Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Hello everyone.. just wanted to share with you my barnies..
I have two pullets..
arent they purrrrrrrrrrrrrty.... I love em..


Also if the outside toes on each foot start to curl outwards -after hatching with good toes-it is very common that it is vit B deficency/ or the chick needs extra- dark down chickies need more than light down chickies! Some yeast in the water for a couple days and they go strait again!
Maybe check your temps with mulitple thermometers and watch your humidity. It seems many people are having better luck with "dry" or almost dry hatches where you mainly add water at lock down.
Who know's it could of been many things and it may take time to figure out what works best for your bator. I wish I could send you some eggs, but I can't until my DH can finish renovating my coop (basically making two coops out of one). Now that several project pullets are laying, I can no longer figure out who's laying what or who's breeding who. By fall, they'll be seperated again. I thought about free ranging the project birds while collecting pure eggs for shipping, but I can't risk my neighbor's dogs getting my future breeders

Trisha.......that's how I incubate too. I put water in and get the humidity to about 35%, then I honestly don't do anything with it, not even add water, until lock down. Then I bump it to 65%. And for those of you that have temp issues, I can't recommend the Brinsea spot check thermometer enough. I love mine and will never hatch without it.
Thank you all for the info. The toe that is crooked is the middle one only, and on 1 foot only. I think it may have been born that way.
But how much yeast do I put in the water? I don't mind to try it.
I did the drier hatch with this one. 35% then 65% on average.
Trisha, I was just teasing
I completely understand. I wouldn't chance them getting hurt or eaten also.
Thanks everyone.
I have had chicks hatch with crooked toes before. Sometimes they corrected themselves, others I had to give them a baid-aid boot. You can search for the boot here and will find a couple of threads on it.

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