Barnevelders: Double vs Single Laced


Aug 26, 2021
Northern Utah
I have two blue laced Barnevelder pullets, about 7 weeks old. They looks so different from each other! Is this the difference between single and double lacing? Finding any info or even pics of juveniles is difficult

Yes. The top bird is double laced. The bottom bird looks like it may be single laced, or incomplete lacing. It likely is a male as male Barnies are single laced.

Give it time though. Sometimes it takes a little longer for the lacing to fully develop. My barnies definitely vary in lacing. Some are gorgeous, desired, double lacing. Others, not so much. I find it is a problem with the breed.

Yes. The top bird is double laced. The bottom bird looks like it may be single laced, or incomplete lacing. It likely is a male as male Barnies are single laced.

Give it time though. Sometimes it takes a little longer for the lacing to fully develop. My barnies definitely vary in lacing. Some are gorgeous, desired, double lacing. Others, not so much. I find it is a problem with the breed.

Thank you, that is great info! Our Wyandottes changed so much with their big girl feathers came in and it’s just so hard to be patient lol
My blue laced barnevelders look like the one on bottom. I am not convinced they're blue laced...they look like regular barnevelders to me
I am hoping they end up blue 🤞🏼 The BBS gene is so tricky! I have another younger hopeful as well and a BLRW as another backup lol. She’s looking lighter overall so far. I just love laced birds and am not too worried about the actual colour for now
I thought I had BLRWs last fall but they turned out to be brown leghorns 😆
Oops. I have never really liked Wyandotte's anyway so I decided to go with a breed I know I like in a color I hope I will get. What a mess.
They were bought as pullets and I’m not seeing any roo signs at 14 weeks today
Wow I would think at 14 weeks that signs of roo would be screaming at you. Sounds like they're both pullets! thanks for the reply, I am still obsessing about my two 6+ week barnies, wondering what I have.
Wow I would think at 14 weeks that signs of roo would be screaming at you. Sounds like they're both pullets! thanks for the reply, I am still obsessing about my two 6+ week barnies, wondering what I have.
The wait it so hard! We’ve had bad luck with pullets ending up not this year 😅

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