Barred Feather Footed Frizzle??? Updated w/pics


Fear the Turtle!
15 Years
Jan 9, 2009
By the Chesapeake Bay
Hi all -

I know the first thing you're going to say - "we need pics!" - sorry, but the camera battery is charging. In the meantime tho, I thought I'd post this and see what y'all could come up with!

What kind of chick can have ALL of the following features:

1. feather color and barring like a barred rock, but FRIZZLED
2. yellow legs shaded in black and a head spot like a dominique
3. pea comb like an EE (or possibly a rose comb)
4. feathered legs/feet like a silkie (maybe not quite as heavy)
5. Four toes on each foot

These features describe a chick I just got this afternoon. There is another chick that is similar, only it is hard/flat feathered, has what appears to be a single comb, and it does not have feathered legs and feet. I was told these were 4 week old standard Phoenix chicks from McMurray, but I'm skeptical.

Anyone care to take a guess tonight to compare to some photos in the morning?
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Sorry I'm so late, but here are the pics! Thanks for your guesses, and I'm sure you're right about it being a mutt. I'll have to go back and check the skin color tho.

This is the barred frizzle (looks blue in the pic, but I'm sure its black):


And this is its comb:


And here is the barred non-frizzle (has a single comb):


I actually got 4 in the batch - the two above, a barred rock pullet (not pictured), and a wyandotte of some type that is about 6-8 weeks old. Here is the wyandotte - need to know A) IS this a wyandotte? B) if so, what type? C) what sex?


Here is the wyandotte's comb:


What do you think?
Oh wow, this is a guess for them. lol.

1) Dominique cross with a Frizzle Cochin
covers- barring, rose comb, feathered feet, and frizzle.

2) Looks like a barred rock

3) Looks like a Columbian Wyandotte Rooster

Good luck with them babies
Thanks RhodeRunner!

Great guesses! I was thinking barred rock on the one, but on the frizzle, wouldn't the single comb of a cochin be dominant to the rose comb of a dominique? I'm really not up on comb genes - I just thought singles were dominant to all others. I'll have to post more photos in a couple months when this bird feathers out. I just hope its a hen - I'm over run with roosters and cockerels right now!

And you really think the wyandotte is a roo? This bird is twice the size and age of the "barred rock" and the "barred frizzle", and I was thinking that since the wattles were just developing it might be a pullet. Jeeze, I guess I just wasn't meant to have a CW hen...
Not sure but, here is what my chart says, we can hope it is correct. lol

Rosecomb is Dominate and Single Comb is recessive and should be completely dominate and produce Rosecomb. Of course this is all depending on the genetics of the parents and so forth.

As for the Wyandotte, hmm maybe the age will help, but still kinda looks like a rooster to me, due to the wattle development (Wyandotte are slow), the body shape/position, and the tail) Lets, hope I am wrong.

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