Barred Holland breed of chickens

Hi Kari_dawn,
Some of the breeders have a mix of Ideal and something else such as Gracie Mae or Sandhill and some have just Ideal. Last year several people who purchased from Ideal had Roosters throwing gold feathers and hens with cream eggs. But other years people have purchased and have recieved nice birds with hens laying white eggs.
I had some from a mix and I removed most of them from my flock. Bottom .o.k place to start but a better place is with a private breeder who has been working on a flock for a while.
You can join the facebook group page I started
There are several breeders there and you can keep up with information about the breed.

Suzanne Holland
My first entry into the Barred Holland world. It has lots of Pita Pinta and other playmates but is the only BH I have at the moment.

My little BH chick is coming along nicely. I think its a she by the very dark barring. She started off very skittish but lots of handling and being in with the Pita Pintas (very friendly chickens) has made a difference. I like hand raising the chicks so they become socialized with humans easily. Ive found that both Buff Orp and Pita Pintas being in the group help mellow the other chicks as these breeds often become very human friendly. I have a couple of buff orps and pitas that will willingly climb up into the hand and even look at you pleadingly from the brooder.

At about 6 weeks sometimes earlier I start them on a wet feed program so they start associate me with feeding and it seems to tame them even a bit more.
Does anyone have (or know of) any Barred Holland chicks or hatching eggs for sale? If so, please private message me with the details. I started with BHs a little over a year ago thanks to the generosity of mhollow. I'm mainly interested in birds from private breeders who are working to improve the breed. I know Ideal and Sandhil have them, but I would like to avoid hatchery stock if at all possible. Thanks in advance!
Hello, I corresponded with her week or so, ago and let her know the status of my flock. I am probably the closet to her ....although I thought there was a guy who had a flock over toward the Hammond area, but I don't know him and I have not seen him on the forums lately.
She is very keen to have to hens very soon, but all of mine are tied up right now in my program.
Hi everyone. This is my first time posting on a thread. Hopefully I am doing it correctly. I just joined the world of chickens this spring. I hatched eggs of a few different breeds from breeders across the country. The Barred Hollands are my favorite breed by far. I was lucky enough to hatch 6 beautiful BH chicks and they are the friendliest and most intelligent of my group. At 6 weeks old it is becoming apparent 4 of my 6 are going to be roosters. Anyone in the Northeast looking for roosters? I am in Rhode Island. I cannot speak to breed standard because I am not familiar enough with the breed but I got the eggs from a wonderful breeder (who is on this site I believe). They are a mix of 2 lines, Gracie Mae and a line that traced back to the 1940s. And they have the sweetest personalities. Even if there are no takers, I wanted to introduce myself and my new flock. I don't know how to post pictures yet but when I figure it out I will share some photos of the group!

I love how social and smart this breed is. They love my 2 year old daughter even when she manhandles them!

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