Barred Rock Gender


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 21, 2014
Sorry meant Barred Rock in the title. Is this a male or female? I think they are about 4 months old. No crowing at all.
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When would he start crowing? If it is a roo he is a terrible one. He doesn't crow and doesn't seem to watch over the flock at all. Our other barred rock which we know is female is the leader of the flock. Is that normal? I was hoping for his sake he was just a hen with a larger crown cause we won't be keeping any roosters.
I wanted to pop back on here and update. Totally forgot until now.

The Barred Rock in the picture up there did in fact turn put to be a.....HEN! I thought for sure she was a he. But sure enough she started squatting and laying. To this day she still looks like a rooster sort of. She has a larger, floppier comb than our other BR hen and just has this sharp, mean look about her. She is sweet enough though (; she was the leader of them until she got injured. She is one legged now and spends most of her time in the coop :(
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I wanted to pop back on here and update. Totally forgot until now.

The Barred Rock in the picture up there did in fact turn put to be a.....HEN! I thought for sure she was a he. But sure enough she started squatting and laying. To this day she still looks like a rooster sort of. She has a larger, floppier comb than our other BR hen and just has this sharp, mean look about her. She is sweet enough though (; she was the leader of them until she got injured. She is one legged now and spends most of her time in the coop
Sorry to hear!
She is a very manly looking hen ;)

And thank you. She still eats and drinks well. She just doesn't move around much. I think if she was a smaller breed it would be easier but she is a fairly heavy chicken to be getting around on one leg.
I have a barred rock rooster and I would have said thats a hen, the males are so much bigger! Mine is over 20 weeks old and I havent heard it crow yet!

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