Barred Rock Laid GREEN Eggs?!?!


Jun 4, 2018
We recently had a fox attack that took five of our precious chickens. Months ago, we noticed that one of our barred rocks laid green eggs. GREEN. She happened to be one of the hens that stupid fox killed.

Well, after the fox attack, we incubated 29 eggs including one of the green ones. The chick that came out of that egg is a chipmunk looking chick with a rose comb.

Any ideas what on earth could be going on here? How is this possible?


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What breed of rooster did you have? Was it tinted or a deep colored egg? Where did you get your barred rock?
I know some barred rocks lay pink tinted eggs. I did a whole list of egg colors a while back. Pink tinted eggs that come from a breed that doesn't traditionally, like an EE, are usually because of the bloom. At least that's what I found in my research. I'm not sure about a green egg though.

Here's the full list I made if you want to take a look.
I will try to upload some pictures. However, we live deep in the country and so it’s difficult to get a good signal here!

She was a barred rock from Murray McMurray Hatchery. We have Ameraucana roosters, a silver laced Wyandotte rooster, blue laced red Wyandotte roosters, barred rock roosters, and three roosters that are a barnyard mix when we bought this farm. They came with it. Two of them look like Rhode Island red rooster mixes with Ameraucana and the other looks like a leghorn rooster with a beard.

I will try to add some pictures below.

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