Barred Rock pullet or cockerel?


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2017
No crowing or egg from this "girl". It's the only barred rock we have so I can't compare to other birds. I've noticed some suspicious saddle feathers coming in. Thanks!
There is ZERO question that you have a cockerel. That fringe of saddle feathers is a dead giveaway even if the coloring wasn't.

These are saddle feathers.

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Thanks so much! I figured as much but was really hoping I was just seeing things. This means we're down to 2 hens and an Easter Egger Cockerel who I'm inclined to keep. I think we're going to get some laying hens to get numbers back up at this point! :D
You're welcome, sarahjean. I love my BRs, but I had a super awesome "Delawegger" male (Delaware x Ameraucana) who I had to rehome because his brother was trying to kill him. It was one of those times I wish I'd tried harder to keep a cockerel. You do need more girls, whichever you keep, though. Good luck!

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