Barred Rock Pullet or Cockerel?


Mar 22, 2014
My family and I just started our first chicks. We purchased 5 pullets that were about 2 weeks old and now they are 5 or 6 weeks. There is one that is a bit more aggressive ( if that is the right word), more curious, and certainly more willing to peck at hands or anything that moves and it was different enough from the other birds that she got named veloca (as in velociraptor). Well, now that they are getting bigger we are starting to think that perhaps she is a he.

I have attached some pretty poor pictures here to see what you guys think. The suspected male is at the top of the first picture and on the left in the second picture with friends for comparison. The 3 barred rocks are all the same age. I will try to get some better pics as soon as I can. Anyone want to take a guess on the sex? Or is it too early yet?


My family and I just started our first chicks. We purchased 5 pullets that were about 2 weeks old and now they are 5 or 6 weeks. There is one that is a bit more aggressive ( if that is the right word), more curious, and certainly more willing to peck at hands or anything that moves and it was different enough from the other birds that she got named veloca (as in velociraptor). Well, now that they are getting bigger we are starting to think that perhaps she is a he.

I have attached some pretty poor pictures here to see what you guys think. The suspected male is at the top of the first picture and on the left in the second picture with friends for comparison. The 3 barred rocks are all the same age. I will try to get some better pics as soon as I can. Anyone want to take a guess on the sex? Or is it too early yet?


you for sure have you a barred rock cockerel there i can see his little comb and wattles hes so cute but they are more aggressive for sure thats one reason i dont have any barred rock roos just hens been there done that got the scares from it
Barred Rock rooster for sure...left on bottom photo, top on first photo.

You can see red comb and wattles and lighter coloration.

Some Barred roos are very sweet...I had one that was a sweetheart...I re-homed him to a farm, and he became everyone's favorite...unfortunately the coyote's too as he laid his life down for the girls.

Lady of McCamley
Thanks for the help! So, now I have a roo (for a bit). I will be re-hoping this little guy before he starts to crow. Chickens are a gray area for us legally. They are allowed if your lot size is big enough (10,000 sq feet)- all you have to do is go down to the city and get a permit. Sadly, my lot is literally 20 square feet too small due to one little corner notched out at the corner. So, I am not allowed to have them while others in the neighborhood are.

We are doing it anyway, ,but for sure don't need a rooster drawing attention.

How long should I wait to move him along? Is he ok to go somewhere now without being with other chickens? Should be older before he gets moved?

Thanks again for the help!
I would wait a little bit longer until the rooster gets bigger. If they are smaller than other chickens, bigger chickens will be more liable to peck at them a lot. I would give them to a person who has a similar breed or color pattern that way the chickens of the other person will know that particular pattern and will show less interest in it. But as always they will fight a little bit (ranking themselves in the chicken society). But don't let the rooster get to big before you give it away.
The one in your right hand is definitely a roo. You'll notice as he gets older he'll stick out like a sore thumb (more white than the girls). Mine turned out to be nice - so far. The second he turns mean I'll have the rotisserie on my grill waiting for him. I used to give mine away to a roo farm but after all the money I have spent on feeding it (and purchasing it) they go on my plate. My neighbor's roos got mean so they did the same and didn't get any barred rocks again. We got them as a Christmas gift. Nothing like a gift that keeps on giving (eggs).

Unfortunately one turned out to be a roo. He hasn't crowed yet - he's staying in disguise. I think he knows my plans. LOL!!!

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