Barred rock rooster too big for hens.

It is extremely doubtful that in “a couple of months” you have a 15 lb rooster. First, under one year he’s a cockerel. Second, not many chickens actually reach 15 lbs at all, let alone before a year old. Although, I did recently watch an episode of Judge Judy and the plaintiff was describing a rooster attack and swore that the under a year old “rooster” (cockerel) was “at least 30 lbs” and, in fact, jumped all the way up to her arm to attack her….. that would certainly be a unique rooster. Maybe your rooster is just very heavily feathered.
I haven't actually weighed him yet, it was just an estimate. Thanks anyways!
I'm Vegan
I'm assuming you have them as pets. You will need to find some way to separate him if he as as large as you say. But I will tell you ( owning a young cockerel myself) that his mating tactics will be quite aggressive until he figures it out. I doubt he will injure them unless he is massive (and pictures will help here). It will look quite awful as he works it out. He will grab them by their necks and if they are not ready, they will resist. There's lots of yelling and running. Sometimes a few feathers will fly. I would intervene if it went on too long. As he has gotten the hang of it and my girls are receptive it's much less chaotic. I hope this helps. If you have any concerns about your hens and being injured, separate him for now in view of the girls so he isn't lonely. That's not a permanent solution. You will need to decide whether he stays or goes. But that is only a decision you can make.
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I'm assuming you have them as pets. You will need to find some way to separate him if he as as large as you say. But I will tell you ( owning a young cockerel myself) that his mating tactics will be quite aggressive until he figures it out. I doubt he will injure them unless he is massive (and pictures will help here). It will look quite awful as he works it out. He will grab them by their necks and if they are not ready, they will resist. There's lots of yelling and running. Sometimes a few feathers will fly. I would intervene if it went on too long. As he has gotten the hang of it and my girls are receptive it's much less chaotic. I hope this helps. If you have any concerns about your hens and being injured, separate him for now in view of the girls so he isn't lonely. That's not a permanent solution. You will need to decide whether he stays or goes. But that is only a decision you can make.
That's exactly what's happening. I feel bad for him because it's just his nature and it's not on purpose. He loves his hens and they used to be the sweetest together, but now they run to the other side of the coop when he gets near. I will post some pictures for comparison. I definitely want to keep him as we are having a hawk, owl, or osprey problem and a huge rooster will help. Thanks for all the info!
You got a rooster that likes turning chickens into pancakes.
It's not on purpose. He just doesn't know his size 🤣 This Morning a hen went to get a drink from the water bowl and he took his opportunity. he ran at her full speed, jumped on her, and landed in the water bucket. I felt bad, but it was hilarious. The poor hen was like "what??"🤣🤣

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