Barred rock sexing


12 Years
Feb 2, 2007
Western Montana
I know, I know, I should know by now if they are boys or girls. But I just can't tell for sure! My two Barred Rocks are shown below;


I am suspicious that Biggie is a boy, and Littles is a girl. The problem is that Biggie has no difference in size, and a barely perceivable difference in color, of comb from Littles. Littles always, always has her tail up (as in the picture) and is a nervous wreck of a chicken (just like Chicken Little, in fact). Biggie and Littles have the same exact coloring and pattern of feathers, so the whole "boys are lighter" doesn't seem to work for me here.

I would love to hear your opinions. Is Biggie a boy, or a hen? They are both 5 1/2 weeks old.

They both look like hens to me so far... In another couple of weeks, you should be able to tell for sure. Both of their combs are pretty pale still. If they become darker red in the next few weeks, you have a roo.
Yes! and no... my coop is really only big enough for about 5-6 hens, and if all eight of my chicks end up being hens I'll be a bit torn. But I LOVE Biggie. She is a wonderful chick with a vibrant personality and she likes to snuggle in my arms. I am not disappointed that you think she's probably a pullet.

I guess time will tell. Thanks! If anyone else wants to weigh in, I'd love your opinion too!

Gee, if you really wanted a rooster, this boy has to go, I guess. I was keeping him, but have about decided to let him go to another home-long story about my main flock rooster and this being his replacement. Too bad you aren't closer to me!
hey Cyn, that pic of your 5 week old barred rock shows quite the comb. My six week old doesn't have half that. No waddles either. What the heck are you feeding them?

Heres a pic for comparison.
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Oh dear no I don't want ANY roosters. I live on a tiny city lot and don't have any desire for the noise. The problem is that I got bad advice on coop size, and built it, before I found out that it was far too small. Somewhere in there I also bought 8 chicks instead of 5... but that is a separate issue.

Anyway, I would prefer they were all hens, and that I had space for them all. My plan is to offer any roosters to local small farms (we have plenty of them here in Western Montana) to see if anyone needs a replacement for their flock. I'd rather not eat them, but I will if I can't get them sent away to happy little farms. I figure my dinner plate is more humane than a boa constrictor's or a similar fate with strangers.

My plan to take any roosters to NY this June seemed ill advised and was only partially serious, anyway.

I think the bets are still off, but it is looking like Biggie might get to stay if she stays a she. Maybe I'll just add more space to the coop.
My husband will be thrilled.


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