Barred Rock X Easter Egger?

I have LOTS of barred easter eggers... My roo has 2 barring genes, so all of my chicks from the green eggs are barred. Some have straight comb and some have pea comb. Most of the pea combs have cheeks and muffs.

They're lots of fun, i especially love my barred roo with yellow legs, pea comb, cheeks and muff! He's cool.
What color eggs do they lay?
I have Barred Rock X Eater egger chicks. One little rooster even has the beard. I only want a barred color rooster if it will be attractive. Send me some pics what adult BR X EE rooster look like. Here he is.
My girl looks just like this! Dad barred rock, mom Easter egger, light brown eggs !

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