Barred Rock's comb is lightening in color


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 15, 2011
Hi Everybody! I'm worried about my Barred Rock. She's a fully grown hen. I got her when she was a pullet, she free ranges with four other chickens. She hasn't started laying yet (which I assume is due to the weather and lack of light). She seems less active than she used to be, she doesn't come running to me like the other hens but does run away from me if I go after her. My main concern is that her comb and wattle have faded from a deep red to an orange color and it even looks like part of it has turned almost white. I've read that this could be normal but I need some reassurance if that's the case. I've been giving them rooster booster top dressing and the vitamin supplement for water.

As an aside I thought she was ill also because she had some poop on her tail feathers, cloaca is clear. Moments ago I saw her deficate and the poo was normal, not watery or anything... so any loose stool has cleared up it seems.

Thanks for any help. I appreciate you all being here!

If it matters I'm feeding them all layer food. Am thinking about switching back to game bird grower (as I have some ducks that live with them).
A few of my hens are a year old now and going through a molt. I noticed that their combs turned lighter as it was starting. I also have another hen with a really light comb that has been lethargic and come to find out she had mites/lice pretty bad. You may want to check for that too.
No other symptoms of note. She's perked up a little, though as noted in another post most of my flock was killed yesterday. But I will check her for lice/mites. I use DE in the bedding so I didn't think those would be a problem for her. She's only a young hen. I don't know why she's not laying.
When you check her for mites, be sure to check her at night, maybe a couple hours after they go to roost. Mites are more apparent then. (Just use a small flashlight to check her vent and neck areas.). Certain kinds of mites hide in bedding but others hide in cracks and crevices in the coop walls/ceilings and where roosts attach to walls. They come out at night to feed on the birds. If you don't find mites or lice on her though its time to look at other possibilites.

While you're at it, it may be a good idea to check out the "egglaying and managing your flock" forums. Theres a sticky post there named something like "why arent my hens laying". I found it very helpful; you might too.
So I think she's fine. No mites, no lice, no nothing. But she may or may not be molting. I find feathers, then none, then I find more. Her comb seems to be darkening again as well. Thanks again everybody for the help.

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