Barred Rocks!!

BRs are such pretty chickens

Just wondering, is there a difference between a Barred Rock and a Barred Plymouth Rock? I ordered the latter from and I'm not 100% sure what's going to arrive tomorrow...
BRs are such pretty chickens

Just wondering, is there a difference between a Barred Rock and a Barred Plymouth Rock? I ordered the latter from and I'm not 100% sure what's going to arrive tomorrow...

There is no difference, just in common speech, that's all. Plymouth Rocks come in many varieties. (think color). Barred, White, Buff, etc.

You'll get hatchery stock Barred Rocks.
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Hello! We have some 7week old chicks. Two of the chicks we got are Barred Rocks, or so we thought. We have two adult BR hens that we love and one of the chicks looks just like a mini- version of them. However the other chick is much darker with a very different comb. We are hoping someone can help identify if she is indeed a Barred Rock. Thanks!

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Well Barred Rocks, Dominiques, are similar but how dark she is I would say Cuckoo Maran when she starts laying that should tell you everything! Just from how she is colored and the darkness of it I'm leaning towards Maran. And if it is you will enjoy her dark brown eggs.
The males are usually lighter in color than the females. Their white" stripes" are wider than a females which gives them the lighter look. By the dark swath along the legs and her dark coloring I would say your mystery chick is a female and the other is a male (red comb and wattles.)
They are both 7 weeks. As babies they looked just alike but as they began to feather out we noticed the difference! We were thinking the darker one could be a Cukoo Maran, too. I will be excited if she is! The other chick on the left looks like a carbon copy of the older Barred Rock hens we have. I guess we will see for sure what they are when they are old enough to lay! Whatever they may be we love them just the same! They are so funny to watch!

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