Barred Silkies

Excellent descripton... exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.

So... these birds would be 'Barred'


.. and these birds would be 'Cuckoo'?

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The Barred Rock male could use a bit better barring (I prefer the dark-barred of the UK, but well...LOL) but that is an excellent example QuailHollow..

I agree, if you're after a quick buck, go with something that someone has already made for you.

Marans seem to be a "high-roller" that people are making some money off of. I'd be careful though...some lines are becoming more and more diluted and some don't conform to the standards much anymore.

Thanks for clarifying the "barred silkie???" thing...I had no idea you were asking that! lol! Sorry!
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I was actually wondering what a barred silkie would look like! I presently have bbr's that are of show quality and I'm incubating some silkie eggs right now, so it will be a while before I would find out lol. But I think if you could keep the black skin it would be an interesting bird.
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you should use black, white covers color. I heard it described as a lab coat, you don't know what color shirt is under it, unlike black which you see what you get?
cuckoo on left, barred on right:

Here is a cuckoo silkie pullet that I bred last year:

also here is one from the asbc yahoo group photo section:

The genetic difference between cuckoo and barring is that there is a slow feathering allele that barred birds have versus the fast feathering allele of cuckoo. I'm not that familiar with it, and the gene table I often use for reference has disappeared...again...sigh

Showgirl is an entirely different topic, and since there is a current thread on creating showgirls I suggest reading and asking on it rather than muddling this thread.

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