bathroom literature

We have about 12 different volumes of Uncle John. Most of them are by the bed, however or in the livingroom. They ain't just for the bathroom anymore!
Who needs reading material when you have a laptop and wireless internet?

Don't worry. I wash my hands when I'm done.
EEEWWW . . . I have a hard enough time convincing myself that the keyboard is clean enough as it is. And I absolutely REFUSE to keep my toothbrush in there, ever since we did that experiment where you put food coloring in the toilet water and lay something across the seat to see what comes up when you flush . . . That was an experiment I could have lived without

This may sound stupid, but we have some "choose your own adventures" books in there from when we were kids. my magazines and "real" books are reserved for places where things don't flush.
whatever my parents have in the bathroom honestly.. i dont read much but occasionally. i will get bored enough to pick it up for a few secs. usually Bass pro shop mags. the mail. some random catalog. and womens mags. (clothes, perfume. etc), i used to have a Mcmurray hatchery catalog in there?.. but it came up missing :O
we have inspirational books....(yes, it does sound odd) every now and then you can find a search a word! The driest was a history book of DH reading about assasination of Lincoln
Oh! I just remembered! Growing up dad always had a dictionary in the bathroom, and a tape recorder of him reading EVERY entry. I'd listen to the tapes sometimes and wonder if anything could possibly be any more boring . . . he claimed he wanted to memorize the dictionary. I can't imagine what he was thinking . . . My mother has three times the vocabulary he has just from reading books she enjoys!

Lets see. Old issues of Mother Earth magazine
A local community college fall class list. *I am taking a class there this fall!!*
Some old dog agility mags
a Blick Art materials catalog
A SmartPack catalog

All my reading materials. dh tends to grab something off the book case before he heads in:)

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