Bator full now thanks!!

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10 Years
Jan 28, 2009
(south West) Virginia
I'm getting some Black mottled D'uccles shipped on Monday march 31st. I'm looking for some more D'uccles or booted bantams besides Millie Fluers. Or maybe some other breed thats not that common. Would like some that are avaliable to ship also on Monday March 31st. Please show me what you've got and how much your asking Thanks!!
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No matter what kind of bantam chickens you have, please post I may be interested?? SILKIES (BLUE/SPLASH, OR BLUES MAYBE) FRIZZLE'S, COCHINS... NEEDING TO FILL MY INCUBATOR...
All I have are bantam mutts. Sorry
I have a ton of bantam frizzle cochin eggs, black, blue, white and barred. I also have BTW Japanese bantams. You can see pics at If you want them, I'll send you whatever I have for 25.00 including shipping. Should be around 20 eggs. Let me know.

I have slightly less than a dozen btw jap eggs that no one has claimed yet for this week. I can throw in some btb eggs to fill the carton if you want them but I haven't been selling the btb because I can't gurantee they are pure since there's 2 different roos out there.
I have black mottled cochins laying right now... kinda redundant, but... if you want 'em I can put them in the 24 hr thread for you. They go cheap there.
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