Bay Area BYCers!

Jeremy, How are our olive eggers doing? The little BW chick that we got from you is growing like crazy! Starting to get his/her little wing feathers! I'll try to post a new pic later.
Debi, the Olive Eggers go into lockdown tomorrow! I haven't candled at all, honestly I don't know if I could, the eggs are pretty dark. I think I will at least try tonight before they go in tomorrow, to take out any clears if there are any. Cross your fingers for a good hatch!

I also put 11 Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs into lockdown yesterday evening... so if you wanted another, I hopefully will have some more babies soon!

I'm almost done with hatching this year, I just put my 20 Wayne Meredith Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs in the Brinsea last night too, they will be hopefully hatched by April 22nd, as well as some Sumatra and Buff Leghorns. After that I am DONE!
I will be cleaning one of the incubators and putting it away. I'll probably keep the Brinsea out to do incubation for those who don't have a bator at home, bator services as it turns out are in pretty high demand here in the Bay Area. Who knew?
I guess it makes sense though, most folks don't have room for a dozen chicks, so why would they buy a dozen hatching eggs?

I may be setting one more batch of eggs... they are very special and I've been hunting for them for months, I think I may have FINALLY found a source that can fill my request. If so, I may just be taking on a third breed here at our little farm...
Yeah!!!!! We love the one of yours that we have and would like another one. We are crossing our fingers that he/she is a girl. My daughter calls her Lemon Drop but we plan on renaming her when she gets her adult colors.

Okay, spill! What new kind of chicken are you planning on raising?
Lemon Drop is and adorable name!
I called her (
) Poofykinns when she was here, 'cause her cheeks were just sooo fuzzy. She probably could still be Lemon Drop as a big girl, they're a creamy white-wheaten color as adults.

We have Judy (Garland), Saffron (my hen with darker hackles) and "The Lovilies" (because they're just so darn beautiful!) here at home. I can tell who is who, probably because I spend too much time outside with them. Their plumage varies somewhat though and makes them easy to tell apart, most of the time.

I can't say what I might be getting yet... because it's not a 100% sure thing still... I will keep everyone updated though just as soon as I find out...

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I can't say what I might be getting yet... because it's not a 100% sure thing still... I will keep everyone updated though just as soon as I find out...


We'll be waiting to hear!
Anyone interested in straight run cochins / cochin x? I have 4 available, they are 3 weeks old. 2 are supposed to be cochins, and 2 are cochin/ameraucana (mom was a blue). 2 are white (or might have some splash) and 2 have lots of blue coloring. I was growing them for a friend, but now she doesn't want to get new chickens. They are very pretty, but I'm past my limit and they need to go. Selling for $5 each.

I'm in San Jose.
Just picked up my wheaten chicks from Kim that you ordered Jeremy! They are adorable! I told Kim I wanted at least one roo since the last time I ordered wheatens from John I got none and now would love to breed my gorgeous girls but with only a black roo that's a bust. Of the 5 wheatens I got, 3 are roos so I will have my choice now!
Plus I get to add 2 more girls to the flock! I am a very happy camper right now! I'll let you tell them what else we got Kim.
I'm very excited cause I have been looking for them for quite a while now...

BTW, Makayla was sooo much fun!!! Kim said she was sooo excited to see her friend Sunny again and wouldn't believe Kim when she told her she'd never met me before, then told someone later that she helped her friend Sunny pick out chicks so she would have some good ones! Kim and I were joking that Makala picked out all the pullets for me and left her with all roos! I enjoyed meeting both the kids. Dakota seems like a very bright kid! Great sense of humor.

I didn't get pics of the new babies yet (waiting for you to reveal the identities of our new babies Kim) but I will soon! Thanks again Jeremy! I am very happy with my boys and girls!
Only the wheatens can be sexed this early because the boy's feathers are so much darker than the girls. Blue wheatens and regular wheatens can be sexed very early. I'll try to find some pics to post or I'll get pics of mine later.

The silvers also look different but not until well after they have finished feathering out. The blacks and others take me forever to sex! There are others on here that are much better at sexing the other varieties than I am.
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