Bay Area BYCers!

Oh no!!! You have to muzzle the Leghorn, you can't let him go.

Are you going to try and keep him still...
I can't...or I guess I could wait to see if someone complains but that might bring me more trouble cuz I have too many hens... argh i hate this!!! He is so incredibly gorgeous!
If only I had room for another breeding pen.

I'm actually considering downsizing from the 3 breeding flocks I have, to 2. I just can't imagine having to give one of the breeds up though!
That's what I was thinking... but I just can't just choose 2. I have to keep my Delawares, they aren't going anywhere. I don't think I could ever give those birds up.

So it would either be giving up the BW Ameraucana roo or not keeping a BBS Orpington roo when I get my chicks.

If I don't keep my Ameraucana I won't be able to make Olive Eggers next year. I won't be able to do my BW Olive Egger project.
If I don't keep an Orp boy then I won't be able to continue breeding the UK lines here in the US.

I can't decide, so I think I'm going to have to keep all 3 breeders. I'll have the room at my new place but I literally won't have room for anyone else, unless I sell some of my older layer girls and some of the hatchery chicks that I intended to integrate into the layer flock. Which I had considered doing that next year when all of my breeder stock reaches POL.

I just need to move to the country side.

On another note, SC Bird Farm never contacted me either. I tried emailing, calling and even PMing them here on BYC. I don't understand their lack of response, you'd think in this economy they'd want to make a sale...
Makes me wonder if they're worth ordering from if they can't even bother with minimal customer service...
I've heard that about SC Farm from others...I hope everything is ok there, you never know if they are in crisis or something else. I guess my timing worked well....

I have NO idea what to do with my Bradley (MF leghorn roo) he is gorgeous and I'm sure Bridgett will miss him (MF pullet)

Has anyone been so devoted to keeping a roo that they bring him in at night?

Do roos crow at other times during the day? I haven't heard any crowing today
I hear roosters crow at all times of the day and night. Some days they are quieter than other days.
I don't have any roos of my own, just the ones around the neighborhood I am talking about.
the roo that is going home with Sunny tomorrow seems to crow all the time. I finally had a neighbor mention it today, saying, "I've never heard a rooster crow that much all day." Glad I could tell him that the little bugger is leaving tomorrow.
I'm sure he'll be much quieter when he gets a big flock all to himself.

eta - Cheryl, they start slow and work up to it.
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From my experience, Roo's crow day and night--basically all the time.

It is a myth that they only crow at dawn. A rooster will crow at a full moon, if lights come on, anytime of the day he feels like it.

And, yes, I've heard of people attempting to keep their roosters from bothering neighbors, but it really doesn't work if they don't like the sound. The kindest thing to do is to find a farm that wants roosters and let the little fella live the life he is supposed to live...and crow.

That's true Jajika, though my roos crow mostly in the morning and evening. Also, if they hear the neighbor's roos crowing they will start to have a crow off with each other! Go figure!

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