Bay Area BYCers!

I have a beautiful Black Copper Roo, and he crows all day long. He is a sweetie, and does not crow when I am in the coop with them. I was surprised to find out that they crow all day. We live in the mountains so it's Ok to have a roo. The sound to great once or twice but not all day! So you are right to be concerned about you neighbors noticing your chickens more!

I am breeding him now but I will re-home him ion the near future. Anyone maybe interested?
Ok I get it
Only one little crow this am at 6:19...but I guess we all know where this will lead! Thanks for the input

So I guess I have a MF leghorn and a Creme Brabanter to rehome
Of my 3 EE mutt babies I acquired recently, 2 have turned out to be cockerels. And boy oh boy, are they going to be GORGEOUS! Their mother is an Easter egger, and the father is an American game fowl. We want to keep one of the cockerels but will have to rehome the other (and the one we keep will have to be rehomed if he gets loud and upsets my neighbors). Anyone interested in a 5-week-old EE/gamebird mutt cockerel who is feathering in really uber-pretty?? There are a lot (and I mean a LOT) of chickens in my neighborhood (they are so not legal here, but everybody has 'em anyway), and many of my neighbors have roosters. I've been hearing them crow every day since long before I ever forayed into a chicken venture of my own. Part of me doesn't want to keep either of the 2 little roos, but the one we want to keep is going to be soooo beautiful when he grows up. We call him Alfalfa because he has a feather in the back of his head that has stood straight up since he first came to us--even as he has feathered in, he has a NEW feather that sticks up in the exact same place... it's too cute.

When we were at the state fair, I noticed the ameraucanas were really loud crowers. Since EE's are mutts of ameraucanas, I wonder if he's going to be too loud. My neighbors' roosters that crow don't really disturb anybody (in fact we all rather like it), so it's going to be interesting to see how he does.
Sad day!

Cheryl, how many birds are you over your limit? Does Lafayette really have a maximum - in Oakland you can have as many hens as you can provide for as long as they're housed at least 20ft from any entrance or window of a dwelling. I guess Lafayette is a bit more strict?
Oh it's not about the over-limit problem. It's against Lafayette ordinance to have roosters.

I guess I could go around and ask my neighbors if they think they will mind it? But then I'll have to put them in separate cages with their mates...etc and etc...I guess I'm just in denial.

Yes I'm over limit too, but my neighbors say they love the sound AND the eggs. I'm donating 4 hens on tuesday to the sustanability org that responded on this thread, so this is what I have now.

The Omelet Ranch...
9 adults - a bit over a year old

9 teenagers - 21 weeks - 2 started laying this week!

and after the 4 leave for donation and 2 roosters go to Sandy's ranch...I'll have 16 babies ( 14 weeks old)

oh and I guess I have to count the 12 in the incubator that are going into lockdown on tuesday - 5 English BBS orpingtons and 7 Silver penciled Plymouth rocks....

This hatch looks really good, if someone is looking for some chicks let me know.
Cheryl the English will be beauties for sure, we got 6 out of our hatch, they get huge and weigh a lot for their size.
We will be looking for more, I also really want to get more BCM hens, and more of the black orps.

About SC bird farm: Terry is very nice, but communication was painfully slow, he did come through but my situation ended in a refund because all 3 dozen + eggs were ruined due to a packing issue. (would rather have the birds, he has some pretty breeds)

Anyone recommend where to get some quality muscovies? or their hatching eggs? I badly want some solid color ones but so far only found pied locally.
Oops! Wish I'd checked my mail before I left this weekend. We just got back last night from the Bay. Our next trip down is in September. I will pm you with the details.

Your BYC in-box was full so I sent you an e-mail. Hope it went through!
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Bel, I'm getting 12-17 BBS Orp chicks from Joy Adkins (justuschickens59) at the end of the month. I plan on keeping only 1 cockerel with hopefully 5-6 pullets, depending on color. If you're interested I will be looking for homes for the other little guys...

If not this year, I'll also be selling the hatching eggs of these birds next spring!
Bel, I'm getting 12-17 BBS Orp chicks from Joy Adkins (justuschickens59) at the end of the month. I plan on keeping only 1 cockerel with hopefully 5-6 pullets, depending on color. If you're interested I will be looking for homes for the other little guys...

If not this year, I'll also be selling the hatching eggs of these birds next spring!

I would love to get more of Joy's beauties, please do drop me a PM when you decide what you plan to rehome and hopefully by then we will be ready for more birds. I've been especially hoping for a black pullet, the sheen on her black orps is amazing. Just to warn you the black ones feather slower than the other colors so don't be shocked thinking they are all roos.

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