Bay Area BYCers!

Karen I heard the same about the Marans, but I did the mix instead to see if that worked. Still haven't processed one, although I do have one cockerel out there. Just getting up the nerve has me stymied. He's not quit big enough yet, so maybe by the time he is. Too bad he's so friendly

OK I've put this off long enough. Should be getting things done, but this is bugging me. I'll probably have to just put up a thread asking, but anyone have any idea what these babies are? They're the one's we got at the feed store a few weeks ago. Anyone know what we have here? I don't trust myself to know for sure. They're supposed to all be pullets, but I doubt it and I got them from the bantam bin, but not really sure Lunch and Dinner are bantams. Breakfats and Snack were the tinest they had in the bin.








Kim, I processed my Marans X Game cross that I got from you the other day. He's still resting in the fridge. He was narrower in the chest than I thought he'd be. He'll probably end up as stock like most of my skinny chickens do, as I still have meaties in the freezer for roasting. He was a decent size for a non-meatie though.
poor baby! Just Kidding

Let me know how he tastes!! This one isn't as broad in the chest as my FBCM roo, but wider than some of the others that I sold.
I need to bring Fat Chick in soon. She was the one that was getting dragged off by a cat a few months ago. I trapped the cat under a rake and pulled her out of her mouth. I really didn't think she'd make it, but she did. The only thing that proves the cat attack is the scare on the back of her neck. No feathers ever grew back, so when she moves just right, you can see the big naked patch.
No, I think Fat Chick is a Blue Jersey Giant. Rockette is from either Fanny or Saddie and my Zigmo. I call him all kinds of dumb Zig names. LOL They just hatched together and have been buddies since out of the eggs. I'm going to go get Fat Chick and I'll take a pic of her.

In the meantime I just put this thread up.

Don't know where Fat Chick was, but she jumped in the pan and ran off with something before the other birds got there. Actually a couple of the youngsters did.
No, I think Fat Chick is a Blue Jersey Giant. Rockette is from either Fanny or Saddie and my Zigmo. I call him all kinds of dumb Zig names. LOL They just hatched together and have been buddies since out of the eggs. I'm going to go get Fat Chick and I'll take a pic of her.

In the meantime I just put this thread up.

Don't know where Fat Chick was, but she jumped in the pan and ran off with something before the other birds got there. Actually a couple of the youngsters did.

Is fat chick a little on the heavy side? I love the name.
OK I've put this off long enough. Should be getting things done, but this is bugging me. I'll probably have to just put up a thread asking, but anyone have any idea what these babies are? They're the one's we got at the feed store a few weeks ago. Anyone know what we have here? I don't trust myself to know for sure. They're supposed to all be pullets, but I doubt it and I got them from the bantam bin, but not really sure Lunch and Dinner are bantams. Breakfats and Snack were the tinest they had in the bin.


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I'll guess that Lunch and Dinner are gold laced bantam cochins. Snack looks like maybe a wellie, and Breakfast looks like a fuzzy little angel. How big is breakfast compared to lunch & dinner?

ps - let me know whether lunch & dinner turn out to be pullets - if so we could work a trade for one or both!​

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