Bay Area BYCers!

Back from the void...can't wait for Stockton!

Peets yes! Sulawesi Kalosi FTW!

Important!If you plan to buy King Feed at the Stockton show, check with Hal ([email protected]) first to make sure he'll have some for sale. In previous years they had a lot for sale; last year all they had was preordered feed (12 sacks for me & a bunch for a guy in New Mexico). He said he could have sold them all many times over! (so maybe he's allowed to bring a truck & trailer load to sell this year).

Not sure how San Jose is for you, but here's where I bought some flock & game mixes of King's. At the time they had about a half dozen King recipes, but I believe could special order.
Ganado Feed Company
2331 South 7th Street #4
95112 San Jose CA
Phone: 408.289.8626
Also try AnJan's several locations... more limited types but happy to special order with a few weeks notice.

As for guard birds... I've a chance to get a few guineas... are they good guards (will they kill murderous small dogs who worm their way under my gate?), and just how noisy???

And Anna
sorry to read of your loss
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I miss my guineas, but they are more vocal than protective. I think Jeremy is right about Emus or Ostriches. I want tp hatch some out anyway, but then what would I do with them?

Anna I'm so sorry about your girl. I know you've mentioned her on here before and really loved her. I know sorry doesn't help.
I like it! What time did it come back on? I can't believe I woke up @ 6 something and instead of going back to sleep, grabbed my iPhone to check and see if it was up yet!
Then ran upstairs to make coffee and get my laptop to check it out on the big screen.

I think it's user friendly.
its fine, but I wish the auctions were up and Im not getting email notifications for my subscribed threads. Is it just me?

Make sure you are logged into the site and then re subscribe to the threads. We have all been un-subsrcibed, so the site does not know when you last visited.

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i love the new BYC. I love that this thread shows up on my homepage as soon as i am logged in so I don't have to search for you guys anymore. also, it is so much easier to keep up with the different chicken breeds that you throw around. now i can quickly look up the breed...
Hi Everyone!

Back on line....I missed the notification that we would be off until I went to check and no BYC!!! I had withdrawals! Now we are back! YEAH! I do like the format, although I'm still trying to find my way around!!!
Jeremy and Cheryl,

How are your Rodebar and Cream Legbars projects going. Jeremy, did you ever get Cream Legbars's?

I am intrigued by them being auto-sexing.

Post pictures please

My rhodebars are doing great. I just received some chicks and juvenile New Hampshires this morning. I'll be putting the roosters on the rhodebars to create Hampbars. I'm so excited about this project!!

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