Bay Area BYCers!

Hi Daphne!

I've been good, I'm actually not working in downtown Berkeley anymore, I'm back in Oakland.

I transferred jobs after I stepped down from a management position at work this year, I started school again this semester and needed the time to devote to my studies. Things are crazy right now, I'm finishing mid terms and we're getting ready for the holidays at home. It seems like this year has just flown by!

Hope you are well!

Still with the same company? Location in Oakland, in case I'm ever that far down on Telegraph, etc.??? Would love to just come by to say hi.
Yes, classes do keep us busy. My one class at SRJC on Poultry Husbandry is great, but it's only one class compared to what you're doing and working, and keeping up with the chickens at home.
hello from oaktown !

is there a better place on BYC for local/regional posting or is this it ?
like for example, if i was looking for someone to demo butchering/ processing.

Hi lemenu!

Where are you in Oakland? We're deep East, it's good to see a fellow Oaklander on BYC.

For most things Bay Area this thread would be your best bet, it has its highs and lows, especially around this time of year the thread slows down but we have consistently had a pretty active Bay Area community over the past few years.

Your best bet for a butchering demo would probably be just by asking who processes their own birds here on the thread and then asking if you could watch or even join in on the process to learn the next time someone does so. We have done a few on our micro farm and we plan to process ducks this winter. There are others here on the thread who I know have processed too.

There is also a Northern California thread as well as a California Whole State thread but those have a much more "spread out" following.
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hello from oaktown !

is there a better place on BYC for local/regional posting or is this it ?
like for example, if i was looking for someone to demo butchering/ processing.

After looking around for processing extensivly, I can say you wont find it for less then 4/per bird in the bay area. There is someone in Sacramento that does 2.50, but they have a $50 min, so its a fair few birds. I found the 4 /per guy by posting on CL. He was just a guy who did butchering.

california has very strict rules on who can legally use thier equipment on birds from more then one business, sop its a PITA to find people around here.
Good luck with the auction, Cheryl! Hope it went well.

I'm probably going to have to rehome a young cockerel - Milo, our stunning Millefleur Leghorn from Cheryl's line, is needing a new home. He woke me up at 4 frickin' 40 am this morning. I tossed him in a dog crate in the coop and he shut up. My DS is wishing we could keep him and I understand that. I just wish we had more space - it's just too close to the neighbors for me to feel comfortable about it. I told DS to try putting him in the crate every night if he wants to try keeping him.

I love this shot, even though it's a little blurry - he and a couple of the girls were hanging out at the hottub:

And a closeup that shows off his gorgeous colors. The curved feathers on his tail are iridescent green. Unfortunately, he has one white tailfeather on each side so he doesn't work for Cheryl's breeding program:

I doubt DS putting him in a crate is going to work for long so if you hear of anyone looking for a gorgeous young gentleman for their flock, let me know.

To the woman who wants a demo of butchering/processing hens, I really highly recommend the demo posted here on BYC:

I used it recently for the two cockerels that I knew we weren't going to keep and it worked really well. The first was a little slow but the second went much faster and smoother. Just read through a couple times and have it available when you're working and it's really not a problem.
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Good luck with the auction, Cheryl! Hope it went well.

I'm probably going to have to rehome a young cockerel - Milo, our stunning Millefleur Leghorn from Cheryl's line, is needing a new home. He woke me up at 4 frickin' 40 am this morning. I tossed him in a dog crate in the coop and he shut up. My DS is wishing we could keep him and I understand that. I just wish we had more space - it's just too close to the neighbors for me to feel comfortable about it. I told DS to try putting him in the crate every night if he wants to try keeping him.

I love this shot, even though it's a little blurry - he and a couple of the girls were hanging out at the hottub:

And a closeup that shows off his gorgeous colors. The curved feathers on his tail are iridescent green. Unfortunately, he has one white tailfeather on each side so he doesn't work for Cheryl's breeding program:

I doubt DS putting him in a crate is going to work for long so if you hear of anyone looking for a gorgeous young gentleman for their flock, let me know.

To the woman who wants a demo of butchering/processing hens, I really highly recommend the demo posted here on BYC:

I used it recently for the two cockerels that I knew we weren't going to keep and it worked really well. The first was a little slow but the second went much faster and smoother. Just read through a couple times and have it available when you're working and it's really not a problem.

WOW Anna he has turned out amazing looking...can I have him back...I probably have something for you in trade!
Hello fellow bay area BYCers! I originally posted this in another thread but have not received a response. Hopefully someone here with the expertise can help me.

Is this a silver phoenix? I have been trying to identify this one for months and came across this thread and my bird looks similar.
Also a bonus if anyone can identify the one to the right as well. Im pretty sure its a gold laced wyandotte but not 100% sure.


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