Bay Area BYCers!

No one has posted here yet??

This is what was posted on FB just a while ago.

This is Karen's son, Michael Anderson.

Unfortunately, I received a phone call from the sheriff's department today, giving me the piece of news I didn't want to hear. They found her and Amelia under the ice of the nearby pond.

Very sad day. Sarah and Cheryl have offered to help wit the animals.
such sad news
Anyone got any Marans eggs (fertilized)? Charlotte is broody. I'm hoping for a couple black copper marans but am okay with any others (and with mixes/mutts). Anyone out there?
Thanks for the feedback Jeremy. I'd be happy with Easter Eggers. just after the blue eggs really (my kids get a kick out of them). As for the incubator, I'm not looking to spend huge $$$$ but I don't want the kids to be disappointed (another mom I know got only 1 chick out of about 20 eggs hatch recently and I'd hope I can do better than that!). Anyway, I'll look into your suggestions. Cheers. Claire

If you want pure Ameraucana eggs I am a breeder of Lavender and Lavender splits down in the south bay. I do ship eggs. Contact me if interested. No one is laying right now and I don't have my pens separated yet as I was showing 3 of my birds. Now that I am done w/ shows as soon as they start laying and I can check fertility I will most likely be selling eggs late spring and in the summer. Like I said contact me if your interested.
Yesterday, a large red tail? hawk flew into the garden and took the head off one of my two month old BCM chicks.
We are going to net the area again (had a net over the koi pond for years), increasing the netting area.

I just read on another thread that someone used pennant stringers as a deterrent for hawks. Will that also work?
For some of us who shop at Western Farm in Santa Rosa ...

JP, the chicken expert, is back!! He decided to "un-retire," (he retired December 31, 2012) and is now working part time, Tues thru Saturdays, from 9 to 2. I asked him if Western Farm would ever have chicken classes, and he said he has mentioned the idea to Debbie, Larry's daughter. Check their website for any announcements on classes.

The chick availability list is posted outside the Chick Room. JP put the order in last fall. Chicks start arriving at Western Farm in March.
For some of us who shop at Western Farm in Santa Rosa ...

JP, the chicken expert, is back!! He decided to "un-retire," (he retired December 31, 2012) and is now working part time, Tues thru Saturdays, from 9 to 2. I asked him if Western Farm would ever have chicken classes, and he said he has mentioned the idea to Debbie, Larry's daughter. Check their website for any announcements on classes.

The chick availability list is posted outside the Chick Room. JP put the order in last fall. Chicks start arriving at Western Farm in March.

Yes, I heard this news too! Someone told me he got bored one week into his retirement.
Glad he's back, because I saw a cockerel mixed in with the started BR pullets!

Sorry about your BCM chick.
That's great news. I know J.P. was having some bad back problems the last time I saw him. He's a good guy and knowledgeable about poultry. WF will be getting chicks from Belt and Cackle hatcheries. BTW I hope everyone who attended the Stockton Poultry Show had a good time. I would have liked to go but was too busy. Run by some details or pics if any of you can.
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Here's what I posted on the California - Northern thread.

The show was great. Never have seen so many HUGE chickens and so many tiny chickens. It was really nice to meet and chat Haileigh (waititout) and her husband. We didn't buy any chickens either, but the Serama seed has been planted for my youngest boy who fell in love with those little beauties. The roosters have such a diminutive crow that I think we can have a rooster or two and breed some mini-chickens for fun and pets for the kids. My husband, on the other hand, really liked the big boys. Brahmas and JGs and Orpingtons especially in blue.
Either way, giant or bantam, we would have to build another coop to accommodate any of these guys!

I took a few pics, but mostly for capturing the individual character of some of them. It's hard to take good pics when they are caged. The bars get in the way and there is not much for scale.

Some comb!

Some wattles! (Minorca)

Ho hum... little bored here.

Photo booth glamor shots.

Modern Game Serama love!

Shamo Aracauna
Anyone got any Marans eggs (fertilized)? Charlotte is broody. I'm hoping for a couple black copper marans but am okay with any others (and with mixes/mutts). Anyone out there? 

Hey I just saw this. I have f1 OE too over marans hens eggs . Some might be pure my young pure bred boy has been sneaking in this week. We are in San Jose. Pm if you want more info.

I had such fun at Stockton. I found some great showgirs and a royal palm to Mae my pair a trio!
I will post pictures this week they are on my phone so more tricky to get em on byc.
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

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