Bay Area BYCers!

I had a conversation with a fancier this week, who told me that exhibition fowl should never touch the dirt. She said that dirt gets into the scales on their legs and you can never get it clean.
Is that true?
When I have bathed birds, I have noticed that the scales on their legs have dark around the edges. I've tried scrubbing it out with a toothbrush, but it didn't change.

If they never touch dirt that helps a lot, but I raise all my birds on the ground, even the white birds. I keep clean deep litter and it works pretty well. You can clean the scales with a tooth pick, but I don't do that either. I just use a brush.
I try not to wash the birds....just keep them clean on a regular basis. I usually show a lot of white birds.

Hey Rockstar! That's a lot of birds! I have a few I thought about showing, but every time I attempt to do that, something bad happens. I'll just stick to hatching I guess.

I'm on the hunt for meetup information. Anyone on here know what's going on?

Oh and Walt, can I borrow a couple of white birds to show my non white birds that they CAN stay clean? Had 5 of them jump into the ferment bucket today. They were covered, I was covered. Goofy birds.
Walt has a line of groupies a mile long just waiting to wash his birds for the show in hopes of getting some pointers on their own birds...Walt is like a rock star of the poultry world!

Ha!! Awesome!!

Horrible pic... but...
Does anyone want any 12 week old FBCM roos?? Feathered legs.
They are starting to crow and they have to go.
Too young yet to see what they will really fill out to be like.
They were hatched from bwalden eggs out of Arkansas. From Gorgeous eggs!

And did I mention.... FREE!!

Let me know! Sooon.... please please pretty please....

Thanks, we are near Santa Cruz.
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Walt has a line of groupies a mile long just waiting to wash his birds for the show in hopes of getting some pointers on their own birds...Walt is like a rock star of the poultry world!

I wish I had someone helping me wash birds. Just now returned from the APA National at Springfield Mass and need to get the birds ready for Stockton in 3 days
Here is the showroom at the meet.....a very small part of it, the Host hotel and the view from the hotel window. Jones and Leonard are high roller poultry

3400 birds

I wish I had someone helping me wash birds. Just now returned from the APA National at Springfield Mass and need to get the birds ready for Stockton in 3 days
Here is the showroom at the meet.....a very small part of it, the Host hotel and the view from the hotel window. Jones and Leonard are high roller poultry

3400 birds


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