Bay Area BYCers!

Hi Chickensmommy:

This is interesting timing. I was just thinking of getting two more girls to round out to six.

So, I live in Palo Alto and have four adorable hens: Two Black Marans, one Plymouth Barred Rock and one Ameraucana. A good part of the day they live in a large, fully fenced yard made with hardware cloth. The yard is 75 feet long, 25 feet deep and 15 feet high. Inside is a Hobbit House chicken coop.

My biggest issue is that we know they are hens. I can't have a rooster here. I'm having knee surgery on Nov. 8 and should be able to meet you to pick them up, as you are saying you should know by the end of November. You can reach me directly at [email protected]

Since I work at home I often will let them our to run around the rest of yard.

@ Jajika,
First of all, I absolutely LOVE YOUR HOBBIT HOUSE! I can definitely let you know how many pullets I end up with by the end of November. I have been told Wheaten Ameraucanas are much easier to sex than BBS. They will also be 2 months old and coop ready by that time. These were born 9.28.16. These are a few pictures of them last weekend.
I will keep you posted. Thanks for the interest.



They are adorable!!!!

The coop is made in Maine by a husband and wife team they call Wooden Wonders.

I bought it when I rebuilt the chicken yard as it was not as secure as I liked. I tore down the old one to the studs and had it rebuilt on all sides with hardware cloth as I mentioned. It is dug down 1.5 feet and aproned out. I call the yard, "Chicken Alcatraz."

Thank you for understanding my need to be sure they are pullets. And, the end of November is great timing.

Do connect with me via email.

Geri Spieler
[email protected]

Thanks much.
Hi chickiesmommy:

I'm following up on our discussion last month and also to check to see if you received a "chat" post to you.

If you recall I'm the person interested in two of your Araucana chickens. Or some breed like it. I need to be sure they are hens and not roosters.

You were going to get back to me the end of November, so I'm checking to see if the girls are still available. I believe I told you I live in Palo Alto, so logistics shouldn't be a problem.


Hi Jajika!
These are 2 of my 4 Wheaten Ameracauna girls. From the 7 I ended up with 4 girls, not bad.
They are 9 weeks old now. If you are interested in buying 2, you can come by next weekend.
They are $20 each.

I decided to keep all 5 of the dwarf rare breed...they're so small and precious.





These are standard size Wheaten Ameracaunas (not bantams). As of right now they are only 9 weeks old so they're not big yet. They are the size of a small pigeon right now but definitely coop ready. I live in Castro Valley, right next to Pleasanton, CA. They free range in my good size backyard (I currently have 22 (half are young juveniles).

I am giving away 2 males and only selling 2 females because I am kinda attached to all 13 babies. I am in no rush to sell them so you can take your time if next weekend does not work. You will be the first person on my list since you asked first. I can hold them for you until the end of December. I don't mind at all because I enjoy their company.

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