Bay Area BYCers!

Just started BYC and was recommended to find a local group.
Just introducing myself
Live in NorthEastbay CoCo county - Martinez CA
Have just aquired a Lorp (Gerta) and two pullets - one Americana/EE (Elsa) and one is a Rock Buff (Ana)
The Lorp is the only one laying right now - still hoping my EE is a hen and the Rock Buff is considered a winter layer so hopefully will have eggs from her
Sir Quimby the cat fancies himself as a chicken herder so he is in many photos

Glad to be here

Welcome! Your cat is hilarious! Looks like she is really enjoying the chickens.
Hi all!! I’m doing a hatching egg exchange with France (yes, really!) and looking for Serama hatching eggs around the Bay Area (since they’ll be shipping such a long way, I’d like to get them as fresh-from-the-farm as possible...) would you know any Serama breeders within easy driving distance of San Francisco?
Many thanks

Hello Olivia
Not sure if you are still interested in a Serama Breeder but I do have the number of one in the Eastbay
Let me know if interested and I'll give you his number
- Christina
Hi all, Just introducing myself.
I'm in the Tri-Valley and have 5 hens between 15-20 weeks old. Two (RIR and Austr) started squatting this week, so we hope to have our first eggs very soon!!!

1 Buff Silkie
1 Welsummer
1 Australorp
1 Rhode Island Red
1 Buff Orpington

We also have two labs that LOVE evening free-range time with the girls.
All my baby chicks have made it so far. These are the first chickens I've ever raised. They were 2 and 4 weeks old on jul 4. One of the speckled Sussex might be a rooster but I can't tell.

Hi all, Just introducing myself.
I'm in the Tri-Valley and have 5 hens between 15-20 weeks old. Two (RIR and Austr) started squatting this week, so we hope to have our first eggs very soon!!!

1 Buff Silkie
1 Welsummer
1 Australorp
1 Rhode Island Red
1 Buff Orpington

We also have two labs that LOVE evening free-range time with the girls.

Welcome! That's good to know that your labs get along with the hens. We are thinking of getting a dog next year & my kids love labs but I was afraid they would chase the chickens. Did you do anything to train them to leave the chickens alone?
We started with the dogs, then got the chicks. We socialize the chicks and dogs all the time!! We have a small house, so the brooder started out in our kitchen and the dogs had no choice to be around them all the time. We constantly correct the dogs if they get too crazy or anything else that made us nervous. That said, we totally trust our dogs to babysit our hens during free-range time. If we were to get a new dog today, I would most definitely slowly introduced on a leash!

The pups do constantly eat their poop so we keep the coop door closed, even when they aren't in there. The only thing I really worry about is our younger dog (3) chasing a squirrel and accidentally injure one of our hens. Again, we constantly correct!

Not my dog, but I can't get over this picture!

cutest picture ever.png


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Hi all! I'm new to BYC and thought I would introduce myself to the closest thing to a local area group I can find. I'm in the Santa Cruz area, and we can skip ahead of the "is Santa Cruz Northern or Central CA?" bit because I'm originally from SF but recently from Venice. I *am* California! :D

Although not new to owning chickens, I am new at starting with chicks. Our new house came with a resident EE, a great layer about 4 years old who we named Lorraine. A month ago I got four 2-week-old chicks: a Buff Orp (Buffy), a lovely light Brahma (Mei), and Ameraucana/EE sisters named Billie and Willow.

Unfortunately, Willow appears to be a "William" so we'll have to re-home him sooner than later, as his juvenile thirsts have kicked in this week and he's really rough on the girls without a more senior roo to keep him in line. (S)He was my daughter's favorite and from the looks of things he'll be a lovely bird, but keeping him won't be in the cards for us.


Chicken math allows me to replace or swap him for two new pullets, right? :p

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