Bay Area BYCers!

WE'RE HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best part of the trip was when I pulled down the passenger seat mirror, and in it I saw a baby chick on TOP of the brooder, instead of IN the brooder!
Apparently we decided to learn to fly (6 days old) ... in the car.

Terry, congrats!

OMG, they're 6 days old. In my mind, they're still 2! You promised pics

Pics! Pics!

that reminds me.... I SOOOOO owe you pics.

btw - your new roo needs to meet your flock.....BADLY!!

??? Is he acting up?

The one here who's hormones are raging needs to get a clue before all my poor hens are naked or he's going bye-bye.

I thought Ameraucana roos were supposed to be gentle with their girls? Maybe another roo will help since there are so many girls!

Did I hear somebody say pics? You know I'm a pic junkie!!!
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Sunny, here's General Napoleon...(spending the day in the tractor with the big girls) It's not so much that he's acting up. He's great around the Orps, but he is completely infatuated with the Barnie's. He's practically drooling. But, they're too young for that kind of action. So, he pulls out feathers as he tries to convince them. He's such a dork. I can almost hear him crooning, "But I'm sooo beeeyooouuuutiful. Why don't you looooovvvve me?"

and here's some pics of the Barnies...
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My babies are 13 weeks and the one 20 week old was a runt is a butterball shape...funny

This is Minnie - 20 wks

These are the 13wk olds - I'm giving one away - they look identical

Don't be fooled about their size, they are nice medium size - they just happen to be sunbathing next to my hinkjc black orpington TANK named Oprah!

I feel like the Barnies have developed much slower than the Ameraucanas, but maybe that is because they are hatchery birds, and the Ameraucanas are breeder-stock roos (read: BIG). What do you think?

They might be comparable to the Buff Orps at that age. hard to say. They have had to put a lot of energy into re-growing the tail and saddle feathers that were picked clean when I got them. One has a decent tail now, but the other three are still playing catch up. Free ranging has done much for them, as they are too busy to pick on one another.

Two of them are pretty nice, with black hackle/neck feathers. The other two would be disqualified for brown on the neck the moment they got entered in a show. Sunny should take the two pretty ones, although one of those is the alpha feather-picker.
(note to Sunny: take whichever ones you want, except don't take the alpha bird and the omega bird together. the omega bird would not be happy.)
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