Bay Area BYCers!

Oh Karen I like those.


Even one right now would be great!

Maybe I can buy a few here and there until I get everyone house better.

Are they really heavy or do you think they could be moved like a tracktor?

I'm trying to make everything moveable for two reasons. One being just to move them to better grass every few days and the other, because I will eventually be moving and want to take them with me.
Maybe with Easter coming up, stores like Pier 1, Michael's Craft Stores, Target, WalMart and Cost Plus, etc. might have different kinds of egg holders, chicken stuff . .... even Williams Sonoma?? although W-S items are pricey ..

A friend of mine gave me a plastic hen that dispenses colored bubble gum eggs ... saw it @ Michael's for about $5.00, rather expensive, IMO.

The current issue of Mary Janes Farm has an article, "Chickens on the Rise," - having Chickens as pets in your urban home - balcony - apt - patio ... when a person is limited in space.
Karen, my main brooder is a peach bin too, but the lid isn't anywhere near as fancy as yours!

I'm currently hatching some of wolftracks' eggs. I had the batch where the roosters got out and had their fun. So far, I seem to have a BCM and some game crosses. A couple came out of the light-colored EE eggs. They're all dark birds, but some have white chests, which is cute. They're not entirely fluffed up yet. I've got 7 so far, and more working on it.

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