Bay Area BYCers!

So thankful that you got Cheryl's trio and they're safe inside tonight.
Out of curiosity, I googled "San Jose Flea Market," and it's still there, on Berryessa/Coyote Creek.

Aren't Orpingtons neat? I'm going to Cheryl's on Monday to pick up the two Orpingtons she posted about = her lavender and her buff. My husband is extending the coop out this weekend. The two Orps that I got last Saturday from Cheryl are running around with everyone most of the time; they're still a little confused on where to lay. I have one more week for my broody Cochin setting on 8 eggs, possible hatch on Easter Sunday, by coincidence.

It must have been an eye opener to see her walking by - twice! A real escape artist ...

How are the peeps doing? And your broody mama?

... I was at the Seed Bank in Downtown Petaluma this afternoon, and picked up their flyer for The National Heirloom Exposition / The World's Pure Food Fair, September 13, 14, 15 in Santa Rosa at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds. There will be a Poultry and Livestock Show, as part of the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy ... it says, "Bring your own heritage poultry and animals to be part of this grand exhibit!" Check out their website for more info. Maybe BYC can have an info booth there, Rob??
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Crossing my fingers..................I have Wynette's Olive Eggers in the incubator due tomorrow if I didn't mess up on the humidity. I tried a new recommendation with mixed results. I will leave them in a little longer I think someone said the bigger eggs sometimes take an extra day or so & I have found that with my BCM eggs I have late stragglers sometimes 1 a day for 2 or 3 days.
I'm still in Austin on business (well actually today and tomorrow we are spending the weekend with friends) but I'm so so happy Kim has my babies.

Kim you had Pm'd me about their names...well here's the little story (I should say though that they are not married to these names so you can change them up if you like)

When Larry & I picked up the hens from Kelly/Happy Chooks in Colfax we stood by our truck chatting before we left. Well somehow we were chatting about Barbara Streisand and so on the way home decided to name the girls Fannie (#5 band) and Sadie from the Funny Girl movie) We then acquired the rooster from Denny/lotsapaints and named him Ziggy after Mr. Ziegfield. All of them came from Wynette's line.

I'm so happy you have them. The girls are really so sweet and well Ziggy is my handsome man! Enjoy
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Jeremy, Congrats on the Leghorns, any Sumatras from those eggs? I have someone on the hunt for W/BW ams... let me know when you will have more please. I have BCM eggs in the incy now, but will go back down to Bridgets in a few weeks if you need anything. I ended up with 14 of 20 hatched, 8 Minorca, 3 W/BW AM, 2 Light sussex, and 1 wheaton Penedesenca. I am pretty stoked, especially on the Pene, my only dark egg in this batch. good to see you are getting going on the garden, tis the season.
Luke, unfortunately the one Sumatra egg I put into lockdown didn't even pip.
I dunno why, I've had several late quitters this year, I'm thinking that may have been it. Bummer.
Don't tempt me with more eggs from Bridget!

I do have a BW auction going right now, it actually ends in about an hour and a half!

I did also just set 2 dozen BW eggs day before yesterday, so I should have peeps available towards the beginning of May... I've gotta start collecting now for Karen (sewandgrow) and then I don't have anyone else waiting on eggs. I think I'm going to take a break from auctions and such and let my girls brood some, I dunno. I can't bring myself to eat the blue eggs anymore, I just keep saving them and as soon as I have a dozen I put them in the incubator!
I'm gonna end up being (even more) overrun with Ameraucana chicks!

Where did you get your Marans? I really hope your Pene is a pullet!
I remember the last time I was at Bridget's she said all she kept hatching was cockerels, she was pretty frustrated about it.
She's beautiful!!! She's a Speckled Sussex, right? We have wanted to add a SS to our flock ever since meeting Cheryl's at the Oct Chickenstock. They seem to have so much personality!
Here are some chick pics. The first is of a Mottled Orpington from a lavender Orp hatch. I got 2 of these from a buddy who has had good luck selling Lavender chicks. Supposedly about 1 in a hundred come out mottled..

This is a pic of one of my recently hatched black Minorca chicks. They came out tiny compared to the Sussex and Ams.


And finally, one of my BW Am chicks, with a ton of dusty blue on her. She is really a good size, my hands are just mutant huge.

Whoops, sorry for the mispic.
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We are having problems with one of our hens. I posted in the emergency/diseases thread but do any of you have any insight for me? Here is the link to the post and a brief synopsis of the problem:

Our golden sex link hen started limping two days ago. She is favoring her right leg. I checked her feet and legs the first night and didn't see anything wrong. Yesterday, we did a more thorough examination and noticed that her stomach is featherless and bright lobster red. She is still eating, pooping, laying eggs but is not straying far from the area between the coop and the house plus has the red featherless stomach. From reading other posts, I wonder if she has botulism. I brought her in and kept her in a dog kennel for the night. I treated her with molasses in her water last evening and epson salts in her food. I gave her scrambled egg and yogurt for breakfast. She gobbled it up but is not happy to be in the house. Do you think that it is botulism? Would that cause the feather loss & irritation on her stomach? Is there anything else that you recommend to do? Thanks!

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