Bay Area BYCers!

I want to be your first customer! Put my name on the list now!
I wish I could have a roo
Technically, it's legal where I live, but Mom and Dad don't want crowing. And their are people in the neighborhood who I guess like to sleep in.

I'm considering seeing if there's somebody nearby who won't mind leasing me a tiny patch of land to breed chickens on if I give them half the profits. But I'm not sure if there's anybody who would even be willing to do that. And there's school... With homework and sports I'm not sure if I'd be able to do it. And if it did work out perfectly, what would I do with hens that got too old to lay? Eat them? I have always wanted to eat a fresh chicken...
hi all, my name is tammy and i am about to be a BYCer. i am in san rafael, marin. getting some chicks in the next couple of weeks...already got the brooding box ready for the little ones
very excited! hope to learn from you all.

I'm out in the Central Valley now, but grew up in Oakland after being a Navy brat in Alameda. Spent years and years in Union City and now out here.

If you need chicks we all have them. If you haven't found what you want yet, we can help you with your chicken math.

I have to stop hatching I think. I'm running out of space and trying to add breeds when I should just stop. I do have some people interested in my Marans x Games, so after I send a few with my April swap, I'm going to be hatching a bunch out. I had the guy who picked some up last month call me asking if I can donate more. I guess for people who are getting pullets, they even go in and build coops for them. I was only half joking when I asked if they did that for people wo donate. Guess the change of subject and the chuckle was a no.

Juliet got some treats taken to her nest today. I went a head and left her in the dog run, although I did do some work in there today. My dog is better and just trying to get some weight on her now. This GSD pup is driving me bonkers. Sometimes I wonder why I was in demand as a trainer all those years. I know it's age. bummer! I wish I I found her earlier, but then again she may not have stayed put.

Three of my BCM chicks are going to go live with sowngrow in Turlock.

Another hatch day tomorrow and the one after that is the Easter hatch. I hope I can get at least 1 roo and a few pullets from my Davis birds this time.

I have a Wade Jean cockerel with too much coppering. Does anyone here want him? I'm going to be taking him to the auction in the morning if not, so let me know if someone wants him. He was hatched on Feb 3rd.
OH I forget.

I'm going to be selling my MFDU roos. Gotta cut back. If anyone is interested let me know. One keeps getting his tail feathers shredded buy my Silkie roo but he's usually gorgeous and the other is beautiful, but they have no girls so I'll start them up again maybe later.
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How about showing us all a photo of your pup??

I'm probably going to see Cheryl sometime tomorrow/Monday. Is there anything you need/want from her ? Email or text me if you do.

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