Bay Area BYCers!

I've only had 2 with dots on their heads from the hatches I've done so far this year, how many did you get that were marked? I have no idea what this means, I emailed a few veteran breeders, a couple said
, probably just "baby marks" and one mentioned that it may be an early sign of "good Wheaten coloring"... one of my chicks that hatched from my Wayne Meredith eggs hatched with MAJOR head dottage. I'll be keeping an eye on that one for sure.

I dunno though, we'll see.
Yup! Oh I'm so EXCITED! We've been entertaining the idea of goats for several months now, where to put them, how many could we keep, what would the neighbors think, etc.

I don't know if I want to start with kids or adults though. The babies are sooo cute but with a buck and a couple does I could potentially have milk very, very soon. I would be making soap and cheese and lotion ALL DAY LONG.
I took some pictures today!

Most of these are of Neville, I hadn't realized how much he has grown since getting here.
I love him, he's a very sweet cockerel.



He's a WIDE boy!

I love this one.
It reminds me of the Gothic American portrait.




Someone kept getting in the way while I was trying to take pictures of Neville. Jealous maybe?

This is how we ensure fertility here!


Oh and look who was hanging out in the trees today across the creek... the teeny hawk that Neville was sparring with, any ideas on what kind he is and whether or not he'll one day try to eat the chickens? I'm not sure if it's fully mature, it's under a foot tall and still looks to have juvenile feathers.


WOW! What great photos, Jeremy! And Neville is such a handsome dude!

Laurie, glad to hear all the Blehm babies are partying up a storm! Mine too. I loosed them in their in-between-space of a shed 6 x 10ft and they spend all day being hysterical...taking long runs to fly, then doing a wheelie in the shavings, chest-butting, bug-chasing... Life sure looks fun for them at this age!!

Speaking of spots & dots, the white AM i ended up with (thanks to Laurie!) just popped up two spots! Will try to get a photo of ....him, I'm afraid. Large, wide comb, aggressive with others, --you know the symptoms. Anyway, what's this spot thing???

Here s/he is snuggled in on my leg next to Athena, the little silver AM. See the spot on the right???
WOW! What great photos, Jeremy! And Neville is such a handsome dude!

Laurie, glad to hear all the Blehm babies are partying up a storm! Mine too. I loosed them in their in-between-space of a shed 6 x 10ft and they spend all day being hysterical...taking long runs to fly, then doing a wheelie in the shavings, chest-butting, bug-chasing... Life sure looks fun for them at this age!!

Speaking of spots & dots, the white AM i ended up with (thanks to Laurie!) just popped up two spots! Will try to get a photo of ....him, I'm afraid. Large, wide comb, aggressive with others, --you know the symptoms. Anyway, what's this spot thing???

Here s/he is snuggled in on my leg next to Athena, the little silver AM. See the spot on the right???
Jeremy, I caution you about goats. I love them, nothing cuter than baby goats. They may be the most mischief inclined creatures I have been around. Good luck with gardens and goats. Heavy duty fencing is required, yes even for nigerian dwarfs. As I said, I love them, they just take a different patience and diligence than Chooks. I have had people trying to give me goats for a long time. So far, I have held strong, though many more pics may sway my resistance.

That said, if you do get them, I want to come play. Few things are more enjoyable than playful headbutting and wrestling with baby goats. Good luck, Luke

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