Bay Area BYCers!

That is probably Bridgett Little from Newman who I bought some Light Sussex pullets from at the Stanislaus 4H show a few months back. I thought of her. I think she raises Minorcas. Thanks for the reminder.
Sorry Guys, totally forgot I posted here
. We want meat goats, FIL may end up going to an auction, but he asked me to put my feelers out there and see if I can find a good deal on a large order.
Anyone interested in a dozen Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs? I actually have 14 collected right now. I haven't put an auction up because I typically like to ship on Monday, but I didn't have enough eggs before today to do so... anyways, if anyone is interested feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss details.

Also, Anna B I tried returning your calls? If you're out there and still interested in hatching eggs they're still available!
Checking my email now!

We haven't found anything yet. Most lots are at least 5+ acres for sale and we just don't want that much land right now. I'm really only wanting 1-2 acres max, just enough for myself and my partner and the couple who we're thinking about buying with to work and manage ourselves. The idea is to be able to do everything on our own and not have to hire help. Ya know? We'll probably end up leasing a couple acres from someone, I haven't put as much effort into the project lately as I've been working long hours at work...

Looks like I better get looking again though!
My BA hen hasn't given up, either. It has been two weeks now of pulling her out of the nest box three times a day so she will eat and drink. She is sitting on one wooden egg but it is precious to her and she is determined to hatch it. I haven't tried the wire bottom cage or the ice cubes on her stomach. You all have way more experience than I do. Do you recommend that I try harder to break her? Or let her keep on sitting and she will come out of it eventually? Or give her some fertile eggs? Or try slipping some tiny babies under her? I can tell that she is loosing weight. The funny thing is, she's our top hen and rules firmly but since going broody, she is so easy to handle and not pecked us once. She's a flat, black, pancake bird!

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