Bay Area BYCers!

I sent Renee a PM.
So, not quite sure if Bridget is broody. We took her off the nest this morning so she could eat and drink, which she did. But now she's just hanging out. I hope she's ok. I'm leaving now for an overnighter and won't be back til tomorrow afternoon. Will report back tomorrow.

Thanks all!
DARN!! I wish i was home to tour..sounds like fun...I'm in Georgia celebrating my son's graduation with his masters degree. Fun to be with all my sons at once!!
I would like to go. My husband & I spent our first 2 years together there before we moved back to the Valley here where I was born. I have a garden tour here though & even that may be rained out.
I sent the info to my youngest sister. Thought maybe she could take my niece.

Alameda was the first place I lived in the state. We moved here when I was 4. Navy brat!
Hi Renee,

My Delaware, Omega (born in July '10), went broody this past Sunday, the same day as my cochin #3, Elye. Omega does come out to eat and then hops back to her nest in the hay shed. She hasn't laid any eggs, but others have pushed her over to get to the area and laid their eggs in the broody's nest. I got some BCM eggs for both of them from a friend in Petaluma.

Jeremy, Your photos are great! Just gotta love those orpingtons.
Is anyone interested in our 8 week old Silver Ameraucana cockeral from John Blehm? We are working on the chicken coop today and have the youngsters out in the run. All of a sudden our little cockeral stood up tall and let out a crow! DH has said no to any roos and our city has a noise ordinance that would make it difficult to keep him. We also have a 7 week old BW cockeral from Jeremy's beautiful birds and a 5 week old OE cockeral whose parents are FCM roo over FCM/Black Ameraucana hen. (That's right, isn't it, Jeremy?) I can post pics later today if anyone is interested!

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