Bay Area BYCers!

Looking for Yokohamas around here. Out of 14 shipped eggs only one hatched & the rest were clear. The breeder says the xray machine at the P.O.kills them. Out of 2 orders from 2 different breeders that gives me a total of 4 chciks alive & one the ground.
Karen in Turlock
Your first egg of the dozen Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas I picked up from you in Tracy is pipping & zipping. I hope for many more.....LOL. I will keep everyone posted.
I think Denny Thomas (lotsapaints) is coming up from Paso Robles next Monday. I think she is bringing me Midget White Turkey eggs. Never tried them before & she does her own version of a meat cross too that I want to try. I think she crosses a Delaware with a New Hampshire & butchers at 12 & 1/2 weeks. Now that I have taken my butchering class from CowgirlJules in Atwater & ordered all my supplies I am good to go & eager to give it a try on my own.
Karen, has it already been 3 weeks? Time flies I guess!

I hope you have many more popping soon, good luck!
Yep, time flies. Wait til you get old like me then it REALLY flies...........LOL The one that had pipped & zipped this morning when I got up is still sittin there like that but moving. Another one has hatched while the first little guy is lolligagging around. The one thathatched is yellow. Is that right for the Blue Wheatens? My Wheaten Marans hatch out all yellow & then within a week start gettin color. I put a Craigslist ad out for my last hatch of Wheaten Marans & have sold all but the last 2 out of 18 hatched. Their egg color is as good as my BCM & the eggs is larger & rounder. Up til recently I was just selling hatching eggs & keeping my incubator full of shipped eggs & eggs for other people but now I am hatching & selling some of my own.
Karen in Turlock

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