Bay Area BYCers!

Renee, the easiest way to discern the pullets from the cockerels when they start feathering in is to watch for "splotchy", almost calico like coloring from the males and the females will feather in much more evenly with a Wheaten hue all over their bodies.

How is Saul's new position treating him?
We'll miss you at our Chicken meet-ups. But, glad you'll be staying in touch online.

One of my sons has settled in San Diego. It's really nice down there. Enjoy!
Just came in for a minute, but yep it was my biggest Davis hen. The only one who actually lets me pet her. I think she was the one I put a pic on the forum that had strawberry shake on her face and walked over to see what else I might have.

I went in to check my lonely chick and let it know it would have a momma tonight. I'm going to put him under one of my broodies so she'll put some weight on. While I was peeking at it through the window, something moved. I have 2!! Maybe I'll get more to hatch after all.

Something I noticed. The broodie who came home with babies is doing a good job, so 2 days ago I was outside and the 4 chicks were right with here. Then suddenly one was gone. I keep looking for it still and it's just gone. Anyway those chicks are just free ranging and I'm feeding other chicks in the brooder the same age. The have food and water 24/7, but the free range chicks are almost twice as big. I hope my other eggs hatch, cause both of the broodies I have left are getting chicks so I can see if they grow as fast as these. Even the feathering is coming in faster.
Aw, they look so happy. Where does one get wood stove ash if she doesn't have a wood stove? Also, why do you need to wet the mixture down? Just curious because I think I want one of these for my babies. BTW, my babies are just over 2 weeks old now and I witnessed them dust-bathing a few days ago. So cute!

We'll miss you! Let us know when you're up this way for a visit

re: dust baths - I would use the ash from the BBQ if you BBQ or have friends that do. We dampen the mixture just so it's not so dusty; you should see the dust fly when four or five of them are in there at one time enjoying themselves and getting the stuff all over one another!
They are having such a great time. I may even get another kiddie wading pool as a spare to have around.
Isn't this weekend when you're moving home?? Hope everything was repaired OK.
So sorry about your hen; maybe one of your new chicks might have a similar personality to hers??
Dawn and Jeremy,
Great photos, as always
A few pictures from today.

Enjoying some fresh watermelon.


Neville couldn't get enough, he was being a gentlemen though and kept calling his girls to the treat. See where my other roo pecked at his comb? I was so furious at them. The dumb boys decided fighting through the fence AND wooden lattice was a good idea...


The sun washed this picture out a lot but it shows off Neville's width, he's getting to be quite the big boy.


Dawn, I also got my first dark egg today!


I believe it was from my Wheatie, who's name is Frenchie.


My fatty Coro babies, who are now with their adopted broody momma, are getting BIG! I think these chooks might end up being nearly the same size as my English Orps. Maybe... In this picture you can also see the little supposed Platinum Sumatra chick, I'm so enamored with this chick, I want so much for it to be a pullet.



Here's another picture of her.


Her hatch mate is either a dark Blue, or Black Sumatra. Any guesses?


These are my Olive Eggers out of ruth's eggs, the gorgeous coppery olive ones. I cannot wait until these babies start laying!


This is Robin (on the left) and another young Heritage Rhode Island Red. We actually plan on eating Robin later this year when he matures... it'll be the first time we've processed a bird and I have to say I'm somewhat excited. I've tried not to get too attached to my Red boy, he's a big softie though. He already feels like a brick too and he's only around 3 1/2 months old. We'll see how much he weighs in a few months, I plan on growing him out until he crows. Then he'll be dinner. The Heritage Reds are such a gorgeous deep mahogany color, I have Robin and 3 pullets that I received from Paul Smith.


Finally, this is Toby our Corgi "dustbathing" in the chicken's run today.



Not everyone was as thrilled as Toby was about his bath.


Sorry about the picture overload, today was my day off and I spent most of it outside working in the garden and spending time with the chickens. It was HOT today here in Oakland, in the afternoon the high was 84 degrees. It was a beautiful day though and I got a bunch done outside. I successfully planted our melon patch this year. We've got a few different kinds of watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew melon growing. I cannot wait until September when it all should be ready to harvest!
Mine are positive for MG and MS (tested 4 from different coops, so I assume the rest are positive), most likely from adult birds I bought from Oregon.
I depopulated about 30%, and decided to vaccinate the newer birds I have isolated up by the house. 2000 doses (amallest size available) cost $80, it's misted on their faces, and is supposed to be used all at once after mixing. They can go out to their new coop out back in 30 days.
The vaccine is supposed to prevent the effects of MG (deconditioning & decreased/malformed eggs) (no MS vaccine available-I did lose two to MS, all others who have shown symptoms had MG symptoms)
We're now a closed flock.
Jeremy as in the wheatie you got from me?? Lol how exciting my Olive Egger Mumble laid her first pretty olive colored egg. Sadly while I was gone a hawk got my silkie roo

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