Bay Area BYCers!

The Silver AM pullet that we got from John is our flightiest, also. But she has lately turned into a very friendly lap chicken. The only problem is that she would rather sit on my shoulder and nestle into my hair. I'm sure hoping that she doesn't have any mites or lice that I don't know about! She is our oldest chick but also our smallest. Our little BW pullet, Cosette, that we got from you Jeremy is almost 3 weeks younger than her and they are the same size. Cosette might even be a little bit bigger than Amelia.
Jeremy, you will get more bang for your buck out of this plant than regular Irises. More bloom, less care. Don't get me wrong, I love bearded Iris but they need to be very shallowly (it that even a word?) planted & if dirt get moved on top of the rhizome they won't bloom well & even when they do although they are gorgeous they don't bloom as long or often.
I am sitting here on pins and needles. I lost a little roo to a raccoon a few weeks ago. Today, I finally beefed up the security in the tractor. I put hardware cloth on all around, and staked the whole thing down. Even I can't lift it now. My Barnie babies (6 wks old) are spending their first night out in it. They're locked in their dog kennel inside it, but are generally freaked out by the new environment. They've been using the tractor during the day, but have been locked in the basement at night. I'm so worried about them. The raccoons have been back twice since the attack on the roo. I have done my best to secure it. But, there are 8 little lives at stake. I'm so worried that even if the raccoon can't get in, the babies will be so upset that they'll break their necks running into the dog kennel walls!
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How funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I can just see it now!!!!!!!!!! you two would make good guests on the old I love Lucy show....LOL

Hmmm - would it be more like the grape stomping episode, the vitametavegamin episode, or the episode in the chocolate factory? Oh Rickkkyyyyyy....
Jeesh, take a day off and you all go chatty. It has been 94*-99* up here in wine country the past four days (today i was thinking more like whine country, as I was so stinkin' hot!), so chooks getting cool watermelon in the late afternoon to help. I was noticing and think it's funny how one group of hens hangs with the Icelandic roo, one group with Lil' Joe, and the youngsters with me as their protector! I feel so brave...!

Nice dark egg, Jeremy! My Blehm Silvers are for sure the goofiest, but also sweet. WAY smaller than the others, though, which seems to be what folks are posting? Still can't tell (boy/girl?) about the one remaining Lav... So frustrating...
Typical Athena:

Sharing a lizard, I think! They were all excited to catch it, but then weren't sure what to do!

Increasing the Splash Marans egg size little by little (bottom two eggs), and also braided my newly dug garlic! (Which didn't cooperate, but oh well--that's the first time!


and Dyann, Allele and Gene on a girlfriend's walkabout!

I am a pictureholic, I know! But so fun to see all the photos, y'all!! Daphne I still love the girls in their "pool"!
Aww, they look great! I am so happy that you are enjoying them.

Thanks! They are B-I-G girls, and very curious! And they prefer the Icelandic roo! Must be his sexy, stylish color...
Oh Steffanie, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I'm sure they'll be fine. Give us an update in the morning.

I am up early to check on the babies. So far so good. Last time, the raccoon attacked about this time of the morning. Most of the time, they come at dusk. I'm really happy the babies have made it through the night. I hope they figure out how to go into the kennel on their own, though. There is no pop door. I either lock them in, or they can wander the whole pen. It's not ideal. But, I don't think the raccoon could get in, even if the babies didn't put themselves to bed.
I figure there's about a half hour of potential raccoon time still.
Time for coffee...

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