Bay Area BYCers!

Just found out today that I'll be getting Partridge Orpingtons to breed in 2012!

Here's a picture of the breed from the internet! These are not my parent stock, just a picture of the gorgeous birds in the UK As soon as I have a picture of the parent stock, I'll post it

Hey Jeremy, I still haven't gotten any great pictures of Doris yet (the blue wheaten ameraucana with mottling), but here's a better picture of her from above than the one I posted before. I'll still keep trying to get better pics.

I brought back my handsome Sir Giles and his ladies in waiting...! KFChickenlady did the most amazing job keeping them. Currently they are in the garage until I can take them to the ranch today.

I also bought this handsome pair of wheaten ameraucana bantams from Bruce Sherman for Dyann/Chooklet. His stock is supposed to be some of the best there is. I'm sure she'll post better pics today, these were when they were still in jail at the show.

I did poke around at Walts cages!!! Man o man GORGEOUS GORGEOUS ducks. AND peeked at the tags, as I had to leave early, and he had a ton of #1s on the cards....congrats

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