Bay Area BYCers!

I've never looked at this brand! Something new to internet surf for! I better start my incubator savings account!

I checked out tons of reviews here and on other sites and this is my brand of choice, but as others have already piped up, everyone has their own opinion.
I don't like the way the R Coms "turn" eggs, I say "turn" because I've seen them in person and they don't really turn the eggs, more like just shake them around every few hours. I'm not talking about the R Com that sits in the cradle.

I feel like if I'm going to spend that kind of money on an incubator it better do exactly what I'm expecting and that's exactly what I got with my Brinsea. I'm a happy customer for sure!

Carlos and I have actually contemplated buying a Brinsea Ova Easy cabinet incubator, I think Karen has one, they're just like the other Brinsea models where they're completely digital but they hold hundreds of eggs! I can only imagine how much trouble I would get into with one of those... muahahahahahahahaha!

They ACTUALLY do turn eggs perfectly. Not sure what you saw, but I've had my large one filled with 40 eggs for the last 3 months with over a 96% hatch rate, 100% on my own eggs, so they do the job perfectly.
Hm. I saw the one that holds 50 eggs, the one that you posted a link to, the "turning" it did was the base of the incubator basically moved back and forth like a conveyor belt and the eggs were turned (shook) as this motion happened. I wasn't that impressed. For an incubator that's near $1000 I expected much more.

ETA: I'm not disputing their effectiveness at successfully hatching eggs, all I'm saying is I don't like they way they rotate the eggs.
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Of course my dear...we'll party it up lol. I'll be showing 2 birds as of right wait 3 maybe. Lol. I missed everyone was very sad.....wouldn't have been able to stand with the cough syrup and codeine lol.

What are you bringing to show?

I wish I could get over my paranoia of showing, I'm just too much of a chicken though.

Bantam Dark Brahma Hen


Giant Blue Cochin Hen.
Agggggg I so wanted to be working outside, but one of my Davis FBCMs was sick. My neighbor gave her a shot and when I asked if she'd make it, he kind of laughed and said she'd be better than new. She already looked aweful due to moulting, but her crop was mushy and really red and warm. This neighbor is my Chicken Whisperer. He can say "picture" and his birds pose! Not kidding, they lay down, sqwat, situp and stand for him. He says go to bed and has a little blanket laying there and they cover up and close their eyes! I was shocked and impressed and I need to hang and learn a little I think. So hopefully by tomorrow my girl should be much better from what he says. I sure hope so. She 5 and I just want to hold on to her as long as I can. Since Bill bought me my Davis flock I just don't want to lose any more of them.

Anyway I left his house with an extra bird. Yep, another roo! LOL He's the bird I've been admiring every time I drive by his house. Game x Sumatra. He's beautiful. Needs a really cool name!
Debi, I try to make every meeting the Delta group has. The leaders live near Linden. We have had meetings in Stockton, Lodi, Galt, Linden & even Antioch at Sean's home. Olivia usually goes with me unless she has a swim meet or cheerleading conflict. She will be even more eager to be going if she thinks Monet is coming too. I will definetely be at the Stockton show. Hopefully Olivia will get to go with me again too.
Sandy, It was fun to spend more time with you on Saturday! I am so looking forward to Stockton!!! I've already asked for both days off although I'm assuming that most of the action will be on Saturday 1/28 so that's when we will meet up. Hors dourve/wine tasting sounds great to me!

That reminds me, I forgot to say thank you to Dawn for bringing that wonderful wine! THANK YOU, Dawn!

Wine you say??? What wine????? I guess I was at the wrong table......LOL
I don't like the way the R Coms "turn" eggs, I say "turn" because I've seen them in person and they don't really turn the eggs, more like just shake them around every few hours. I'm not talking about the R Com that sits in the cradle.

I feel like if I'm going to spend that kind of money on an incubator it better do exactly what I'm expecting and that's exactly what I got with my Brinsea. I'm a happy customer for sure!

Carlos and I have actually contemplated buying a Brinsea Ova Easy cabinet incubator, I think Karen has one, they're just like the other Brinsea models where they're completely digital but they hold hundreds of eggs! I can only imagine how much trouble I would get into with one of those... muahahahahahahahaha!

You can say that again...........Just look at all the eggs I hatched this season.....Shame on me......LOL
Doesn't Heather from J.S. West raise the Black Sumatras too????? besides Bridget I mean.

Darn it yes! I just got back from there, but we talked about Cubas. Geez I knew there was something else! As nice as Anthony's Cubas are I bet the Sumatras are awesome. I'll go talk to her tomorrow.

Nothing done in the yard, but my birds should be full and well within the next few days. My neighbor also said that the shock he gave my birds helps them get through moult better and quicker. I sure hope so. My hen is about to have kittens, because she wants out.

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