Bay Area BYCers!

Hi there! Haven't had a chance to read but I will take some time to do so. My name is Tam, I live in Mountain View, but we're moving next week to San Bruno (although I'm in denial and have packed nothing). We have no birds, but I am hoping to regain my roots and get a flock, although not the rhode island reds my mom always kept. I have 2.5 year old twins, 2 cats and a dog (and a husband). I look forward to learning from you all! Thanks!!
In hindsight I probably should have stuck them all in the bator when they arrived and then the person that one them would just come get them, I hate having eggs sitting...but you never know. One thing about adding water mid least this is what I've found is that if the water isn't warm enough it will cause a dip...but you know what things still could happen...what's the pipped status now? If possible I'd take a few out and candle, but that's just me...Also if the outcome is truly not a good one I'll see if I can get Greenfire to sneak a few more out for you...they should be shipping me a batch of jubilee orp eggs soon.

Well the 2 "sick" babies are moving around a bit. The marans is moving around more than the isabar. Tonight will be the true test if they will make it. I quickly candled earlier today when I moved the babies that hatched out. At that point no remaining eggs had a pip. When I walk by the incubator I can still hear peeping from at least 1 baby. So I have hope. If it came down to greenfire shipping eggs I think u should incubate them. You would have much better luck I'm sure!

On a side note you have been in my thoughts the last few days. My heart hurts for your loss of Toby.

Thanks so much I just can't stop breaking down. Tobius was the best companion with a keen sense of understanding (meaning if I was sick or sad or happy). I wonder if we spent as much time with our chickens, if they would develop that sense or are their little brains to filled with thoughts of that I think about it though, a labradors brain is 90% thoughts of food too~ the 10% left must be love
good job Sarah, it's really tough and it's ALWAYS I repeat ALWAYS with the most expensive coveted eggs that this happens with. I just won an auction for these crazy chocolate project orps large fowl...just a whim. Maybe since they are chocolate they will have some of Tobius' traits!
Sarah they are adorable. From November of last year till just after New Years I had lost my ability to get a good hatch. I mean horrible. New Years Day hatch I got one out of ariginal 81 eggs to hatch! That chick lived about 4 hours. I think a lot had to do with the PO. I had a great carrier then and she was so careful but she had even had them call me once when once of my boxes was smash and leaking. I really think it's Stockton that does it. I can't prove it, but that's got to me it. I have a different carrier everyday now. I hate that she went to a different area and miss my old one. Oh and there is a lady at the OP here in Modesto that if I'm up next to pick up eggs at the office, I'll wait till someone else is able to help me. She flips and flops the boxes around and then tells me they aren't going to break. A discription of what happens to the aircells doesn't faze her.

I think any that hatch and live is a successful hatch. As long as someone is peeping I'm good. I've had some great hatches since then and some bad hatches, but most of the eggs I was hatching were shipped. And aren't thise Dwarfs supposed to be extremely hard to hatch anyway? You got one. That's a good hatch!

Cheryl I'm so sorry you're missing your boy. When Isis was bit by the black wdow a few months ago I was a mess. I had been through so many human deaths I thought if anything happened to her, I'd truely lose it. She couldn't eat anything hard and even with all the additives and vitamins I gave her, she lost soooo much weight. She just started really gaining over the past month. She's still not there, but darn close. I look at her and see those white hairs coming in on her muzzle and it makes me feel so sad to think she's getting those and I wonder how long I'll really have her. Dogs have been my life and the past year and a half I haven't done anything really with her except pet and hug her. OH and tell her to be quiet. This was an extremely well trained dog, but I need to work with her again. She's trying to take over. I just babied her too much when she got hurt. I think dogs can read people more than any other animal. They know us better than we know ourselves. Having shown and trained for decades, I've lots some awesome buddies, so I know what you're going through. Growing up I had some friends, but until I had one friend for only a 3 year period that was as dog nuts as me, s spent more time with me dogs than people.They saved me from being depressed and alone. I love my birds, but I don't get half as upset losing a bird like I would one of my dogs. Just want to send you a big hug and tell you how sorry I am.

.............You're in the right place to find all the help you'll need and any breed you could come up with.

OK speaking of breeds and breeders. I've been updating the list on the California thread. Remember if you all raise anything else you can list those too. Also, don't forget to send me shows, etc. Oh and since it's nearing Christmas I can list family activities too, so feel free to post those over there too.
That's great.............. I thought the Expo was great but wished there were more poultry but can't compalian because I am guilty of not taking any myself.
My biggest complaint was no seating in the first big building where we entered. I loved seeing so much. I didn't know til we went all the way through it that there was alot of seating outside in back of the building. I learned I have to take my walker with me "just in case" from then on so I folded it up & took it to the Paso Robles show but they had plenty of seating right in the building with the poultry. I hope to get to go to alot more shows. I love seeing all that is out there. Now I need to train myself Not to think I have to buy something new.......LOL
Sarah, so glad you got what you did. I have learned not to get my hopes up on shipped eggs. Ya know about countin your chockens before they hatch thing???? What cute babies you go though. I did contact Cynthia & I do have her sending me 2 pullets for my daughter. She says they are great. I can't wait. She is shipping them tomorrow. They will be my daughter's Christmas present.
Jeremy, it was cold here this morning too & I had used up the last of the wood in the woodbox with last nights fire so it was sweater time for me when I got upo early. Now my husband has loaded the woodbox again & has a nice fire going to warm my toes...............LOL The Buff English Orpingtons have given me 2 eggs so far. I just colledcted then in with the daily eating eggs. You let me know when you want me to save & get you some. You are first on the list. Sorry I haven't gotten to the picture taking of the Blue Orp I want to show. There always seems to be more to do than I ever get to......LOL My son is home from his week & 1/2 vacation so maybe soon I will catch up with his help.
Sad news from up north for me Talltenters was bringing Dominique pullets to me at the Stockton show & she wrote & told me that predators have gotten all their young stock. They have had multiple attacks & lost many......Disappointing & I am so sorry for their loss. Again, I hate having to pen mine but they are safe this way. No coyotes or loose neighboring dogs can get to them. I guess maybe I will look for eggs again or get chicks from her come spring.
How sad about her birds. I love Doms. I had one that would sometimes give me two eggs a day. She was amazing.

I have a new group of cats I'm chasing off. I swear if I lose one more bird to these darn things I'm going hunting. One even tried to get passed Dusty to get to her dog food. I think I'm going to take something down the street to an empty lot and teach them the food is there. Only problem is the people next door have dogs. Lots of them. The last litter of pups are full grown and there's another litter in the yard. They never get rid of pups, they all just run the neighborhood. Then the people who contain their get the tickets. I don't get it. I'd probably just be feeding all those pups instead of chasing off the cats.

Oh I hope Big Birds eggs hatch. My light it wearing out, so I saw veins, but didn't really take the time for looking for movement. I'm
Thanks! I am still trying to work it all out, but for right now I want an ameraucana or Easter egger, a maran or barnevelder, and something crested and pretty to look at like a sultan.
I really have no idea if those would work together or where to get them and know they're hens! Now that our house buying is pretty much set, I am excited to clear the backyard and build a coop and run! any help/advice/whathaveyou is more than welcome!
Thanks! I am still trying to work it all out, but for right now I want an ameraucana or Easter egger, a maran or barnevelder, and something crested and pretty to look at like a sultan.
I really have no idea if those would work together or where to get them and know they're hens! Now that our house buying is pretty much set, I am excited to clear the backyard and build a coop and run! any help/advice/whathaveyou is more than welcome!

Don't have Sultan's but they were on my original list of must haves. Maybe some day.

I have 9 EE eggs that are do to hatch tomorrow, so kind of excited since my hen is still laying and no one else here is. I hope any pullets from her are the same way. My Marans I need to really work on. I have great lines, but this past season I either couldn't get them to hatch or cats got them. Not a good year for my Marans. I have some beautiful Olive Egger roos, that I'm going to be breeding to EEs and AMs, so I hope I get some pretty eggs later on. The Ameraucanas are also something I need to build up as well as my Welsummers and Sumatras. Hoping this next year is going to be a more psoitive one for me. This year and last sure weren't very positive.

I hope you get to get that coop built up fast so you can become just as addicted.....uummmmm chicken loving as the rest of us.

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