Bay Area BYCers!


Chooklet really has been busy for me! She's hatched 28 basque hens (6 still in bator day 22), 14 silver pencil rocks and 3 Mille fleur leghorns

LOL WOW that's 45 chicks....
Does anyone in the area have a need for a black Am roo? He is from pips and peeps eggs, born 7/2 so about 51/2 mos old. I already have a black am roo, and a splash, so need to let him go before things get wild. Free, or trade for a blue pullet, but I'm sure no one is giving those away.

Chooklet really has been busy for me! She's hatched 28 basque hens (6 still in bator day 22), 14 silver pencil rocks and 3 Mille fleur leghorns

LOL WOW that's 45 chicks....

Wow! 45- she has been busy!!
Go Chooklet go!
You have to be the best chicken sitter alive!!!!
I have an extra Harry Shaffer Lavender Ameraucana cockerel myself. I have several Black Black split to Lavender Am cockerels too. I have started processing my extra cockerels that were not up to SOP but hope not to get to the Ams I am working on the BCMs & Indian Rivers, Delawares, Light Sussex etc. I turned them loose to free range while I work through them. I can only eat one or 2 a week.
I have an extra Harry Shaffer Lavender Ameraucana cockerel myself. I have several Black Black split to Lavender Am cockerels too. I have started processing my extra cockerels that were not up to SOP but hope not to get to the Ams I am working on the BCMs & Indian Rivers, Delawares, Light Sussex etc. I turned them loose to free range while I work through them. I can only eat one or 2 a week.

LOL I have a lavender and a buff ameraucana cockerel available too! 5 1/2 months - gorgeous also from Pips & Peeps-Jean Ribbeck Too bad we can't add up all these roos to make some hens!
Well, that's just about how I thought this would go - we are all up to our necks in roos. My other black roo is a John Bleme that I got from Steff, found out he is a silver carrier from the beautiful girl I got out of him, so he has to stay. So, do they make good dinners? It seems such a waste for a good roo, but what else to do! What age is best to process?
Hey Jeremy, thanks for directing me to this thread - I've been into chickens for about 2 years now, also have alpacas and dogs. I have gotten into hatching big time, which is a crap shoot given Oakland doesn't allow roos. I have over 20 breeds of chickens - they are such amazing animals. I have 2 of my 3 'bators going right now - sultans and SFHs. Just hatched out 14 seramas, 4 blue marans, 1 lav ameracauna, 11 silver and some white sussex. Going in next week - more silkies (like I need more
), brabanters, speckled sussex, more salmon favorelles... and hopefully that will do it (if I can stay off-line and away from temptation).

New to the coop and run #2 from the last few hatches are some silver spangled hamburgs, lav orps (gorgeous!), golden sebrights, porcelain d'uccles, mille fleur d'uccles and batch one of seramas (5 roos, 2 hate to give away those little guys but they are starting to crow and I will get busted...)

In coop #1 I have my 25 original ladies representing 15 breeds.

All of this said, do we ever have a Chickenstock in this neck of the woods? It would be fun to meet some other folks living locally with a bad chicken habit like myself...
Chooklet I like the Lionhead idea. LOL As with my problem of being over run with roos, I'm also over run with bucks too.

I got a really pretty mini Rex yesterday along with her pedigree. Darn it, I guess I have to get another buck. I always new rabbits had their own math, but around here it's do to just adding a new one. Wish I could get some nice babies from my Lionheads. They have the best peds!

Already mentioned in the California thread that I came home yesterday, went out back to put my new rabbit up and my birds went way out back and tore into trash bags. My yard looks like..........heck I don't even have a discriptive word. Plus there are plastic bags flying all over and just checked for sure and they aren't from any place I shop. It sucks having a yard that is too open.

I scored 2 more peach bins yesterday. They had been sitting in a vacant lot down my block since sunday and I ran into Taylor at the auction yesterday, so he got a dollie and helped me get them home. They're sittin in my driveway now. So I need to find even more boards, but that will put me up to 4 of the bin coops. Hopefully I'll be able to get what I have together out there and finally move my Silkies into something bigger and also my Bantam Wellies and Salmon Favs. Since they're all small and I only have trios of them, I should be able to get them set in a smaller area but with more room. If that makes any sence.

I think I'm going to look at some of the extra cages I've bought and list them on CL for whatever I paid for them. I was going to convert them to coops, but I never seem to get to anything. I bought some PVC ad I'm going to set up a hoop house. I was thinking of doing 2 and using one for LF hens and the other for LF roos. Depends I guess on how fast I can get the bins made into coops. Anyway, now I'm thinking a hoop house for rabbits and quail. They're all on my back porch right now and I'd like it back. LOL Plus I have to move boards to get to the cages to feed, because I need to hold up plywood to the cages, so they don't catch too much wind.

OK lots to do and can't even get to the back yard today, so maybe if I just get everything else done I can get back there again soon.

OH! I'm thinking about putting these latest chicks on CL too, but if anyone wants them they're here. They were the ones I posted about with the 2 browns. They way they are feathering in I think they may all be pullets, but don't hold me to that.

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