Bay Area BYCers!

Hi there!

I've been lurking a while..... Can I be an honorary member of this thread?

I'm originally from the Bay Area (grew up in Oakland, lived in Walnut Creek until recently) and transplanted to Henderson, NV. However, I do visit the Bay Area about once every six weeks for about a week for work purposes. PLUS a majority of my hatched eggs live in the Bay Area and Santa Cruz....chickens are surprisingly good travelers.

I'd love to plan some work schedules around ChickenStock, etc..

At present no chooks on the ground, but I've got Faverolles and Wheaten Marans in the 'bator for the New Year's Day Hatch contest. And, yes, I'm a hatchaholic....

I will say I am envious of you folks that can keep chickens/hens in an uninhibited manner. Down here in Henderson the regulations are easier for keeping toxic waste in your backyard than to keep chickens, but I'm gaining ground both with the HOA and with City Hall and so I should be okayed for a coop soon. (Most of my chicks exit the egg and hang out in the brooder set up in the casita -- guest house -- before being rehomed after feathering out and never are seen in public...tres stealth.). I'm amazed that my mom in suburban Oakland could keep chickens easier than Yours Truly out in the fringe boonies of our township.

Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say how much I enjoy reading this thread.... kinda makes me homesick!
Welcome Peep_Show !

Since you travel back and forth you're also welcome to come join in the California thread

If you look on the first post of that thread you will also find shows and information there.

I grew up in Oakland too. Pretty close to the Berkeley border. I always saw chickens in Oakland growing up. And you used to hear roos too. Actually I have visited in areas where I still hear them, but no one even cares. Amazing how sometimes you move to an area you figure you'll be able to do more, only to find you can do less.
Welcome...................... I grew up in Oakland too near the Safeway tower. I was transplanted there when I was very young & then as a young adult moved back home to the Central Valley where my heart has always been.
Lurk all you want.....I lurked &learned for a long time before I started posting & now they can't get ridof me......LOL I too am a hatcoholic but have waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many chickens now & have slowed way down until I can cut back. My feed bill is killing me.....LOL
I picked up a second Black Sumatra pullet today to put with my Platinum cockerel, I'll be adding a light to their coop this week, hoping that it will jumpstart production and I can then start setting eggs in the bator.

My new pullet is a bit rounder than the first, she has great yellow feet. Her head is shaped a bit differently than both of my other Sumatras. I'm excited to see how their offspring turn out.
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I have Khaki Sumatra eggs coming!

I have Khaki Sumatra eggs coming!

I have Khaki Sumatra eggs coming!

Can you tell that I'm excited?

How are everyone's birds doing now that some colder weather has set in?
Mine are doing fine and it has been down in the high 20's every morning for a couple of weeks.


Walt, I don't think we're getting quite that cold every morning yet but we've definitely frosted over a few nights recently. The birds all roost a little bit closer together on those chilly nights but they seem just fine.

My Orpingtons honestly seem to enjoy the cooler weather, they Waddle out of their coop every morning as fast as they can and spend the day ranging under the big trees.

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