Bay Area BYCers!

Sorry to butt in, but I'm looking for about 20+ fertile eggs for my daughters kindergarten class @ an elementary school in Berkeley. The teacher has done this successfully in years past but the farmer who supplied her has retired from chicken rearing. They don't care what kind of chickens they hatch but they want to ensure fertility so the kids won't be disappointed and the lesson will go well and they also want them specifically ON May 2nd to begin incubating May 3rd. I have a flock of about 9 hens but I gave away my bantam rooster so I can't provide them w/ eggs. Can you or anybody out there in the East-Bay or SF who can help me out? I can pay any reasonable price and or return the hatched chicks (although I was hoping to keep a few for myself and I'm sure I could find homes for the others) so cool breeds would be especially enticing. I'd post this on the Buy/sell/trade forum but I don't have enough posts on here yet! (I was able to buy and sell birds before the new website was launched!:) Thanks!

I don't have any fertile eggs, but I'm a teacher in Berkeley. Good luck!
Sorry to butt in, but I'm looking for about 20+ fertile eggs for my daughters kindergarten class @ an elementary school in Berkeley. The teacher has done this successfully in years past but the farmer who supplied her has retired from chicken rearing. They don't care what kind of chickens they hatch but they want to ensure fertility so the kids won't be disappointed and the lesson will go well and they also want them specifically ON May 2nd to begin incubating May 3rd. I have a flock of about 9 hens but I gave away my bantam rooster so I can't provide them w/ eggs. Can you or anybody out there in the East-Bay or SF who can help me out? I can pay any reasonable price and or return the hatched chicks (although I was hoping to keep a few for myself and I'm sure I could find homes for the others) so cool breeds would be especially enticing. I'd post this on the Buy/sell/trade forum but I don't have enough posts on here yet! (I was able to buy and sell birds before the new website was launched!:) Thanks!

I won't be going to the Bay Area unti; Mother's Day weekend. If someone out here is headed that way and can work with you on it I can send you eggs.Or I can ship some. We did a chick auction a couple of years ago. The kids hatched them out and parents went and offered bids. The kids had a good time and it helped pay for a field trip.
Good idea Kim..................If anyone is going to the Bay Area & can tranport fertile eggs for this teacher for her class I always have hatching eggs available. I am in Turlock but very rarely go that way. I am kind of a "stick in the mud," stay at home mostly kind of person. My chickens give me plenty to do araound her
Karen in Turlock

I won't be going to the Bay Area unti; Mother's Day weekend. If someone out here is headed that way and can work with you on it I can send you eggs.Or I can ship some. We did a chick auction a couple of years ago. The kids hatched them out and parents went and offered bids. The kids had a good time and it helped pay for a field trip.
I have BBS Ameraucanas and Blue, Black, and Blue Barred Rocks fertile eggs. I am in American Canyon, just off 80. If you were coming from Berkeley on a weekday evening, it would take you a half hour or so. If I save them from a week before, I should have 20-28 or so, a mix of both blue and brown eggs. I have had very good fertility with the rocks, (100% last time), about 80% development with the Ams but a few were late quitters in the shell, so 50% hatch. PM me if you are interested,
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Hi All!

I'm in Danville and need to find a dozen or so hatching eggs for my son's Kindergarten class. They can be any sort of breed (though nothing to expensive)! The incubation and hatching will be overseen by me (lots of hatching of my own chickies) and they will then be turned over to me for care after the hatch. Anybody out there that isn't too terribly far from Danville? Oakland, Berkeley, Livermore, Concord, etc? I'm willing to drive a little bit to pick up. I'm hoping to be able to pick them up sometime by the end of this week.

Jennifer :)
Chicken math at its finest...

I had a conversation with my best friend went something like this

"Hi - where are you?"
"At the feed store"
"omg dont get anymore chicks"
"too late I have to appease the broody that had her eggs smashed"
"Why are you broody? How many chickens do you have now anyway?"
"Not me my hen, and oh I dont know 30ish, You sound like my mom!" (Knowing full well I have 41 counting the new chicks)
"Pfft anyway are we still on for dinner tomorrow"
"Uhm sure but we have to drive to Healdsburg to pick up eggs at 4pm"
"WHAT? Why do you need eggs? Don't you get like 20 a day?" The shock in her voice made me giggle.

At that point I had to explain to her that they were not for eating but for making more chickens. Which prompted more shock.... I went on to tell her I also had 25 eggs going in the incubator, and already had hens laying on 7 more. She didn't understand when I explained that after they all hatched I'd still have about 30 :)

I am majoring in chicken math.
She is now referring to me as the crazy chicken lady again. the last time she called me that I only had 8 chickens lol.

Buffy was so happy for have her own real eggs I set them in front of her and she fluffed up more, which I didnt think was possible and gently rolled each on under her. Thanks so much for the eggs and the wine too! I cant wait to have splash babies and olive eggs!

It was fun to see everything you have done since last time I was at your house. Those babies are going to grow up in style. Loved seeing all your precious chicks, cant wait to see pics as they grow up :) Enjoy your honey!

Whew... had to get that out.
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Hi All!

I'm in Danville and need to find a dozen or so hatching eggs for my son's Kindergarten class. They can be any sort of breed (though nothing to expensive)! The incubation and hatching will be overseen by me (lots of hatching of my own chickies) and they will then be turned over to me for care after the hatch. Anybody out there that isn't too terribly far from Danville? Oakland, Berkeley, Livermore, Concord, etc? I'm willing to drive a little bit to pick up. I'm hoping to be able to pick them up sometime by the end of this week.

Jennifer :)
I wish I cold give you some, but my girls aren't laying yet. And, of course, we won't be able to keep our roo much longer. I sure would love to see some little silkie mixes, but I wont be hatching anything. I'm assuming you are in a no-roo area of Danville?

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