Bay Area BYCers!

Maureen, we should all tape our best phone conversations and transcribe them. Of course, we all have that kind of funny phone conversation every now and then, I think! (And I love the conversations when you call and say, "hey, I'm at the feed store; need anything?) We could then sell the book on BYC as a fundraiser! 'Cause we all also READ about chickens, not just TALK about them and CHAT and BLOG, and BUILD stuff and...oops. I digress.

The place is coming along. We like it! And I am glad your little hen was so happy with the eggs! Funny how they seem to know the "real" eggs from the ceramic ones.
Life is good, no?

I took this at Ferrari-Carano Winery. Anyone know what kind of tree this is? So gorgeous!

Chicken math at its finest...

I had a conversation with my best friend went something like this

"Hi - where are you?"
"At the feed store"
"omg dont get anymore chicks"
"too late I have to appease the broody that had her eggs smashed"
"Why are you broody? How many chickens do you have now anyway?"
"Not me my hen, and oh I dont know 30ish, You sound like my mom!" (Knowing full well I have 41 counting the new chicks)
"Pfft anyway are we still on for dinner tomorrow"
"Uhm sure but we have to drive to Healdsburg to pick up eggs at 4pm"
"WHAT? Why do you need eggs? Don't you get like 20 a day?" The shock in her voice made me giggle.

At that point I had to explain to her that they were not for eating but for making more chickens. Which prompted more shock.... I went on to tell her I also had 25 eggs going in the incubator, and already had hens laying on 7 more. She didn't understand when I explained that after they all hatched I'd still have about 30 :)

I am majoring in chicken math.
She is now referring to me as the crazy chicken lady again. the last time she called me that I only had 8 chickens lol.

Buffy was so happy for have her own real eggs I set them in front of her and she fluffed up more, which I didnt think was possible and gently rolled each on under her. Thanks so much for the eggs and the wine too! I cant wait to have splash babies and olive eggs!

It was fun to see everything you have done since last time I was at your house. Those babies are going to grow up in style. Loved seeing all your precious chicks, cant wait to see pics as they grow up :) Enjoy your honey!
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Thank you! It was just gorgeous! I took about a zillion photos of the blossoms! I have never seen one before--I'll have to look it up. Ferrari-Carano winery is only about 8 miles from my house, so maybe I can grow one in Alexander Valley? I'll have to see.

Going out to clayton this morning to hopefully finalize the deal for the new breeding space. Wish me luck!

Here is the proposed drawing I'm taking today.... Any suggestions are gladly welcome!!
Going out to clayton this morning to hopefully finalize the deal for the new breeding space. Wish me luck!

Here is the proposed drawing I'm taking today.... Any suggestions are gladly welcome!!

It appears that you are using a door inside a cage for the last SPR cage on the left. If you are doing that why not make two more or a single pen so that you have a complete rectangle and more space. You will never have enough me on use everything you can, especially if you already have a space with a common wall.

It appears that you are using a door inside a cage for the last SPR cage on the left. If you are doing that why not make two more or a single pen so that you have a complete rectangle and more space. You will never have enough me on use everything you can, especially if you already have a space with a common wall.

The meeting went REALLY WELL and we are all systems GO!!! We'll start construction the first week of May and hope to be done my mid month...

Walt, That space in the upper left is a slope and drops off into the stream where all the run off from the roof will go! Believe me if I could I'd use it!

I plan to house all the silver pencils in one large pen, 2 roos and 7 hens but I'm going to make it into two pens in case I find I need to separate them, the roos have been raised together and have not fought in the past - that's why the door is inside that pen.
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