Beaded Chickens

Haha It was pretty bad. I managed to glue my hands together while making the crest at 1 AM. I had to attempt to sneak into my parents' bedroom to get the nailpolish remover. I got in (try opening a door quietly when your hands are glued together, it's just not possible), and then the dog went ape and woke everyone up... all over a blasted beaded peacock
Not to mention I ripped my flesh off several times... One of the beads has some skin stuck to it... eeeew.
Tweezers worked great for everything else but the crest. It was such a delicate stitch I had to get personal with it. Plus, the tweezers broke the thread once... I didn't want to do that again.
those are so neat! What a great idea. You said you started with a pattern for a hummingbird? I think making sparkly beaded chickens is definitely way more interesting, so awesome job adapting the pattern. I especially love their wings and combs
Thank you landtuna!
haha... tuna of the land, I get that... I get that.

Fizzy, they're about 2 inches.

Everyone else who cares... I'll try to get more of the pattern up tomorrow.

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