Beak trimmed a bit too far - what do I do?

She’s doing great! Thank you everyone for your help!
I was going to say if it is, you could try spraying a bit of this on her beak.
View attachment 2961648It helps a lot with bleeding and will prevent infection. I've used it several times now on impossible-to-bandage areas, and it is great. It will turn things silver temporarily though.
Thank you. I’ll look into it. Is it like Bluekote?
She’s doing great! Thank you everyone for your help! View attachment 2961676

For future reference.... Trim the top part first. That'll not only make it easier to get to the bottom, but if this was to happen again, you won't have to worry about the top part afterwards. ;)

For future reference.... Trim the top part first. That'll not only make it easier to get to the bottom, but if this was to happen again, you won't have to worry about the top part afterwards. ;)
We did trim the top part first, but not all the way, so there was a tiny bit more that could have been done, if needed. She likes to be able to use her beak like a normal chicken, so we leave the top beak just long enough so that she it will overlap the bottom without any problems.
She’s doing great! Thank you everyone for your help! View attachment 2961676
Awe, I’m happy she’s doing better! Definitely frightening. Look into purchasing a Dremel with the small bits. That’s what we’ve used on bird beaks and the Spurs. It’s takes us two people to use that tool. Me holding the bird and someone sawing the area. Doesn’t hurt them.
Years ago, this happened to a hen I was trying to beak trim. She made a sudden movement at the exact moment I was making the clip and profuse bleeding ensued. Lots of blood, lots of pain and shock, and some of that was even experienced by the hen.

Geesh, I felt bad.

Do treat for shock as this is probably the most painful injury a chicken can experience. The beak has more nerve endings and blood supply than anywhere else. Give her warm sugar water with electrolytes for the rest of the day.

The beak will stop bleeding in a few hours. Leave it alone. It will heal in a few days on its own. Give her soft wet food.

Wait a few days until the lower beak has healed and scabbed over and the pain has subsided before trimming the upper.
I know I'm replying to a 2 year old post but I have to thank you! I was trimming much crossbeak silkie as I normally do, and she moved at that specific moment when I clipped! I expected her beak to bleed, but holy crap! I've been searching posts to make sure I was doing the right things and came across this. You made me laugh and made me feel better. I felt so bad and felt even worse when I went to the coop to check on her and her whit feathers were red! She's been resting since I brought her inside a few hours ago and I'm going to give her electrolyte sugar water and mash before I go to bed. Thank you again! Thanks to you I may be able to sleep some tonight.

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