Beaktime auto-watering cups for buttons?


7 Years
Feb 20, 2012
St. Petersburg, FL
I've been trying to come up with a more hygienic and fail-safe watering system for my 3 pairs of buttons. They all drink at different rates and some run out of water more quickly than others. I bought a pack of these beaktime watering cups:

They're not float valves though--the quail would have to tap on the yellow thing to get the water to come out. I think it moves pretty easily and shouldn't pose a problem. Has anyone else tried these and had any luck? Obviously wouldn't be a problem for regular-sized quail, but buttons *can* peck pretty freakin' hard (as my eyeball can attest--thanks, Bee!). They all learned how to drink from the drip-tube ball bottles used for rodents, so this shouldn't be much different.

But there are also these type of cups:
I use the 'rodent' water bottles for all my guys and they learn pretty quickly. I used to use the gravity waterier but they got it really nasty quickly so I feel like the water bottles are the cleanest way to go (at least for me and my birds haha)
I used the rodent bottles for some time until I realized that one hadn't been working properly for at least 2-3 days and my quail had been without water the whole time! They were so dehydrated :( It scared me too much to use them again. Plus they make the clicking noise throughout the night, and I have all the birds in my bedroom. I was trying to find an alternative to the nipple waterers or bottles.
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works great for single pair of buttons, in the summer I have to fill it 2 times a day but that just makes sure the water is fresh and clean. And if you have to hang one these can be fitted for that too. Good luck.
I've been trying to come up with a more hygienic and fail-safe watering system for my 3 pairs of buttons. They all drink at different rates and some run out of water more quickly than others. I bought a pack of these beaktime watering cups:

They're not float valves though--the quail would have to tap on the yellow thing to get the water to come out. I think it moves pretty easily and shouldn't pose a problem. Has anyone else tried these and had any luck? Obviously wouldn't be a problem for regular-sized quail, but buttons *can* peck pretty freakin' hard (as my eyeball can attest--thanks, Bee!). They all learned how to drink from the drip-tube ball bottles used for rodents, so this shouldn't be much different.

But there are also these type of cups:

I use cups similar to the beaktime cups. You can find them cheap on Ebay. I love them! Most of the quail learned to use them in a day. If you fill the cups manually several times the first day they take right to it. Take away the other water sources so they have to use the cups and they will soon learn to trigger the water into the cup themselves.
Were the cups you used the Beaktime cups? Are the quail large enough to press the valve on the cup to release water?
I'm not sure about quail, but I bought a beaktime liter bottle one in june and my chickens have yet to figure it out! And it's not returnable once you try it out. So in short I'm out 28 bucks

Every morning I press the stupid lever and fill the cup, to which they runs over and drink it all but never activate the lever to refill it in doing so! I know this because when I come home after work it's full of very dry dirt debris from all their scatching and kicking up their heels all day in the area, while I'm gone.
I would not reccomend it at all for that reason and when I activate it to fill the cup I feel that I have to use a bit more pressure than Id expect them to need to in order for it to work passively while they drink, It seems they actually would need to deliberately be going after the level to get the water out.
So the idea of the cup is not for the cup to be full at any time. They drink from it the same as from a needle dripper, one drop at a time. The cup is there to eliminate the water dripping onto the cage or the ground. They will never fill the cup but that doesnt mean they arent getting water.
I fill it to get their interest daily so they know that water comes from it. I've sat out there nearly all day several times reading and they go up to it stick their beak in and around the yellow lever but never activate it. I placed my chair right next to it to see if they are swallowing or get and moisture out and nada. the dust at the bottom that accumulates does not get moist and the water level does not go down. but they do go up and try it. So, as I said, I think the lever is just a tad to firm for passive use. I know that I have to use some pressure with my finger to get water out, more than I'd expect.

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