Bean Night . . . please post YOUR recipes

You're a woman after my heart.
I LOVE BEANS and cornbread. Anne makes the best of beans and cornbread. We've bought stone-ground cornmeal from Spring Mill State Park here in Indiana ever since we've been married. It makes the best cornbread imaginable. We just recently bought 40 pounds of the meal and put it in the freezer.
BTW, I'm going to save ALL of your recipes; they all sound GREAT!
lol thanks but I would have to say your wife is a better woman than I. I use Marie Callendar cornbread mix lol!!! However I will look around for my sweet corn pudding recipe which is A LOT of work but amazingly good, and will send to you.
lol thanks but I would have to say your wife is a better woman than I. I use Marie Callendar cornbread mix lol!!! However I will look around for my sweet corn pudding recipe which is A LOT of work but amazingly good, and will send to you.

I would love to have a copy of your Sweet corn pudding recipe. I am a seasoned cook but I have yet to make a really good corn bread. I also collect recipes. Christina
I put this a few page back, but will repeat as it is really good. this is how I make cornbread, it turns out sweet and moist and is the bestrecipe I have ever tried even if it starts from a mix.

"For corn bread I always use the Marie Callendars mix with corn added and I make two batches one with the additional add of diced pickled Jalepenos for the grownups.

Now the proper way to make corn bread is to use a Cast Iron skillet - (one of those really heavy black ones) lay down slices of bacon on the bottom and pour your cornbread batter over the top then cook. when it's done turn it out onto a serving platter bacon side up."
I appreciate the idea. I keep looking for a a from scratch recipe that makes up like Jiffy mix or Marie Callendar's. I have used the cast iron skillet to make Toad in the Hole. I usually use browned link sausages and corn bread mix baked all together. It's not to bad. My mom is from WV and she is a little creative when cooking. It's not always the best, but it is cheap. I almost said and filling, then I remembered the boys never being filled up.

I am cooking more and more from scratch now. At 50 I like to think I am a better cook than my dear mother is. Naughty me for saying so.

Toad in the hole is supposed to made with Yorkshire pudding as the top layer though.I still need to try that again. Every time I make Yorkie pudding I set the fire alarms off. It's that hot oven meeting up with the hot oil thing.

But back to the beans.......
Oh My Goodness!!!! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this. I am 33 years old and my mom bless her heart did everything in our home but she never explained to me how she did it. I learned what I saw and that was it. I have been begging people left and right for years to help me to figure out how to shop and how to plan. I am not that great of a planner and I really needed a bit of guidance. All my mom and sister say is just pick your meals and make a list. Well that just isn't enough explaining for me. You have fixed my little world. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!
I think I understand after reading this that you have 13 monday recipes, 13 tuesday recipes..and so on. This I can do!!!!!! I am not a bad cook but I need recipes for a lot of what I do. I can't do it like grandma and just a pinch of this and a dab of that lol. I use this recipe site and with that and your wonderful recipes I will waste money no more.

Oh and for all of you out there that already knows how to budget and shop and make decisions about family meal planning.....I really didn't know how til now.
thank you! what a nice thing for you to say. I have been cooking and meal planning since I was nine, this coincides with when my mother decided she needed to get out of the house a bit and took an evening job, leaving my Irish father to cook our meals . . . now there is much about the Irish that is rustic and homey and endearing, but have you noticed the food is never mentioned? after three nights in a row of boiled meat and potatoes I took matters into my own hands and he came home to a pot of chili verde and baked apples!
But it's my thing, I love doing it - cooking AND being organized. I have a large family and only my youngest son has taken an interest in cooking and learning from me while young. The girls just figured why bother when mom does it. But now as young adults they are asking for explainations. SO it's really fun for me to be putting it all down to an appreciating audience. I would hate to inundate and bore the masses with my philosophies, but if you like I would be happy to pass on some tips through PM.
I have a crazy eclectic taste in music . . . and unless your as weird as me . . . or from Austin, you've probably never heard of the "Asylum Street Spankers" or their song "I Like Beer"; but as proof of what a BAD parent I am, my little boy Ryan knew all the words and walked around chanting them, when he was 5 . . . sigh
anyhow, thus the name of this dish


Ryan's I Like Beer Beans

1 lb ground breakfast sausage
2 fresh Jalepenos - diced
4 cloves of garlic - chopped
2 cans of beer - 12 oz each
2 cans Ranch Style Beans - Don't drain
1 Can kidney beans - drained
1 Can Pinto beans - drained
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 teaspoon cumin

Brown the sausage in the bottom of a large pot, keep over heat and add jalepenos and garlic - stir in, then add one beer - stir until it is heated through. Add beans, spices and soy. Simmer all day (or crock pot on low). Serve with white bread and of course Cold BEER. It's spicy!
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Well this is my first week using your meal planning method and I have to say this is AWESOME!!! So far I have cut my weekly grocery bill completely in half!!!!!! This weeks groceries for my family of 3 ( I plan for 4) was only 50 dollars and that included a snack item I don't normally buy.

Edited to add: I also decided to expand my horizons and do at least one new recipe each week to possibly make some new favorites.
This week was:
Monday ~ Chili Boats ( Old favorite)
Tuesday ~ Jambalaya (New Recipe went over big)
Wednesday ~ ribs
Thursday~ Spaghetti
Friday~ BBQ sandwiches
Saturday ~ Leftovers
Sunday ~ Chicken Dumplings
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