Bean Night . . . please post YOUR recipes

I am so proud of you!!!!
now, since you cut your budget in half; use that extra money to buy the non-perishable ingredients for your bean recipe - for four nights (a years worth) and you are on your way to having a fully stocked pantry.
THEN what you do, is when you use those ingredients in something else, you shop to replace not to use, get it?
after a year of getting stocked up (just do a little at a time) you will find that you make your shopping list as you use things, soo much easier and faster than sitting and thinking over it all.
We had your frejoles soup last night, & It was fantastic! It is a new family favorite. My husband told me he cant wait till I make it next week. He is a very picky eater. My kids loved it too. Well I cant wait to try your country chili, I think that will be next. I am going to try organizing and preplanning our weekly meals. We always have such a hard time figuring out what to have every night . Iam just not to sure how to get started, or where to start. what would you suggest? Thanks again for the meal ideas.~Tacey
Ahem, Katy- I wasn't born in Austin, but I got there as fast as I could! 1982- 2002, my adult years when I was still young enough to hit the bars all night! "KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD!" Threadgill's anyone? Shiner Bock? I worked at the Upper Crust Bakery for dog's years.....

No wonder we both like the chile peppers!
I am sooo glad you liked it! If you have kids the country chili will be a hit, the cinnamon just adds that extra little flavor they love.
I have had a million emails and pm's requesting a "how to plan meals thread" so I'll start one today or tomorrow - I am so flattered that my efforts are appreciated!
Ok Katy- I made your country chili last night and tried it on the family. It was another hit. They loved it.Thats 2 for 2. I substituted a couple things, and made it to fit us. It was so good. I had never made chili homemade before. I was so proud. So thank you again, you are encouraging me to do more in the kitchen. It is alot of fun to plan like this. Oh I am a follower to your planning thread too. You are making a difference, and I appreciate it~ thank you.

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