Bears broke into my coop and ate my girls

I know next to nothing about coping w/bears. it sounds like you're in a tough spot. I was thinking that since they are animals very dependent on their sense of smell, to set up a hot pepper bomb close to, or attached to the coop. rig it up in such a way that they trigger the pepper bomb all over themselves & up their sensitive noses. or, make a noise bomb that is very obnoxious to them. make it an unpleasant experience for them that outweighs the possibilities of fresh meat. that's a big order & if their food is in short supply - it won't work; however, if they have ample food & are just taking advantage of an opportunity - that might turn them away.
[quote name="bj taylor" url="/t/845959/bears-broke-into-my-coop-and-ate-my-girls#post_12572216"make it an unpleasant experience for them that outweighs the possibilities of fresh meat.  that's a big order & if their food is in short supply - it won't work; however, if they have ample food & are just taking advantage of an opportunity - that might turn them away.

That's the problem though. The warden that came out (from the county over because everyone in my county is on vacation STILL!!) explained that California outlawed hound hunting for bears and while they are used to having 1,900 bears in, they have only had 800 hunted because 3/4 of bear hunters used hounds. So the bears are essentially overpopulating and starving to death, especially in the mountains. The warden said they've noted southern migration of bears in CA because of this.. very scary.
Hum, I watched a National Geographic Channel show called "Life Below Zero" were this guy in Eagle, Alaska killed a bear for coming into his yard and not retreating back to its own space when the guy spoke to the bear in a harsh manner.

The man said he would realize maybe 80 - 100 pounds of bear meat from this deft bruin at the cost of only $1.50 in ammo. It may also have been bear season. So maybe you should buy a deep freezer to trap your problem bears in.

Oh, by the way, Black bears kill about as many humans as grizzly, brown, and Kodiak bears put together do. The black bears however are much more likely to break into a house or launch an unprovoked attack that looks like nothing so much as a feeding attack. But now at least you know where you and yours' ranks with the federal or state wildlife agencies. The last fatal black bear attack was in Alaska on June 6, 2013.

It seems that females are more likely to be attacked and killed by a black bear than males are. The victims range in age from a 94 year old woman who was killed by a black bear that broke into her home in Arizona to a 50 year old woman taken from her tent in Tennessee all the way down to a 5 months old girl snatched from her stroller in New York State.
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I am so sorry for your loss. I just had a coyote pack wipe out my turkeys, so it's a fresh wound for me as well. Where are you in CA? I've never heard of a fee for trapping either. My dh's a hunter and we live in So. CAL and I can assure you that it's not as cut and dry as just shooting the bear if it comes back. The laws in CA are so muddy and the forestry dept. has so much power that I don't think you'd come out of that without a fine - or worse. I'd ask for specific written CURRENT literature that states you have that right before you assume it. We put up an electric fence after our attack on the chicken's pen. For what we were dealing with, a lower zap rating was just fine. The higher the acreage it will cover, the better the zap is what the feed store owner told us, and if we were dealing with something bigger than a coyote that we would need to get the box that was rated for cattle. Just fyi. I hope you can find a solution to deter the bear and keep your gals safe.
I am so sorry for your loss. I just had a coyote pack wipe out my turkeys, so it's a fresh wound for me as well. Where are you in CA? I've never heard of a fee for trapping either. My dh's a hunter and we live in So. CAL and I can assure you that it's not as cut and dry as just shooting the bear if it comes back. The laws in CA are so muddy and the forestry dept. has so much power that I don't think you'd come out of that without a fine - or worse. I'd ask for specific written CURRENT literature that states you have that right before you assume it. We put up an electric fence after our attack on the chicken's pen. For what we were dealing with, a lower zap rating was just fine. The higher the acreage it will cover, the better the zap is what the feed store owner told us, and if we were dealing with something bigger than a coyote that we would need to get the box that was rated for cattle. Just fyi. I hope you can find a solution to deter the bear and keep your gals safe.

A person can protect their livestock and pets anywhere in the United States by shooting an animal that is attacking their livestock or pets.
Bullitt, its so backwards here it would make your head spin. All Im suggesting is to get proof before you do it, because I know that while we might technically have that right, by town code we cannot fire a gun on our property to kill the coyotes that took my birds and im pretty sure dh would have to claim his varmit tag to do so.
Bullitt, its so backwards here it would make your head spin. All Im suggesting is to get proof before you do it, because I know that while we might technically have that right, by town code we cannot fire a gun on our property to kill the coyotes that took my birds and im pretty sure dh would have to claim his varmit tag to do so.

Well, if you are shooting a coyote or a bear that is attacking your animals it is not hunting, so there is no need for any kind of tag.

Here is a case in California where two dogs were shot within city limits when the dogs attacked a flock of chickens and turkeys. It is legal to protect your animals with a gun, even within city limits. If you have close neighbors, it may be a different situation. That is why I suggested a shotgun because the shot won't go as far.

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