beaten up quail

If you can keep her from the rest till she heals, she will likely be fine. I have one that was the same way 2 weeks ago. He is now growing new feathers and is fine. But hes in a cage alone too. You can use a tote like a brooder if you dont have enough cage space.... Get her by herself if you can!! Good luck, Bill
ok thank you so much
I bet it was swollen. Im sorry. It always sucks when that happens. At least she didnt deteriorate and force you to put her out o her misery
that happened to me twice in 2 days a few weeks ago. Had to put down a suffering crippled quail chick who was picked on and had its toe broken and bent backwards by the others. And then i had to put out my baby starling that i raised from when i found it dying on the sidewalk at 4 days old the next day
because it flew up and broke its neck but was still barely breathing n squeakin in pain.
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